konoreikin, konareikin, konareikin, do you hear, come on, come on, comrade conorchen, return it, backe anymore, forward, i'll show him, what about me? some kind of lunatic, he's about to crash, what are you looking at, he can't do a damn thing. save him, well, anyway, comrade lieutenant, i demand that you immediately remove this vigorous hooligan, calm down, sidorov, this is sidorov, a detachment to the water, i'm listening to you. forward, what about you, nothing to you, but they want me to work. it's you, yes, you came after all, what's wrong with him, he's fine, he's delirious, he's alive, who is this, what's going on? where am i on dry land, you, what have you done, i beg you, comrades, i beg you, i beg you, don't crowd around, don't crowd around, innovator, you bad? yes, is it you, or is it in a dream? it's me. so, you are that very kostya, well then. "we met, after all, yes, it started with an accident, it ended with an accident, nut, if you want, thank you, i don't want to, but monkeys really like it, that is, i didn't want to say that, i wanted to say that..." "i'm very worrie