my name is svetlana yakovenko, i am the head of the chemical laboratory of konvol llc. our work is art create high-quality fabrics containing wool. this is an enterprise with a long history, the beginning that is counted is 1955, next year in the twenty-fifth we will have an anniversary, the seventieth anniversary of the enterprise, but the enterprise does not stand still, it is constantly modernizing and developing. previously, times were very difficult, in what difficult conditions we worked, dressed and the body of the greeks, because it was cold in the workshops, there were dark workshops, but thanks to our government and the president, after a visit in the twelfth year it was accepted the decision to be a commander and not just to be, to be one of the flagships of the republic of belarus, such a task was initially set. today we are working with various companies to introduce chemical preparations , chemical materials, dyes, we are ready, of course, to study something, to understand the technology, because it does not stand still, the industry is developing, we use