and in 1863 she took an active part in... the peasant uprising under the leadership of kostus kolinovskyere peter’s brother azheshka florian lived at that time, it was he who brought these democratic ideas to her life, because he studied in st. petersburg, so and came from this city with such democratic ideas, when the christian uprising was suppressed, she and her husband were subject to arrest, but peter ozheshka took all the blame himself and was exiled to the perm province, into indefinite exile, but the estate was given away, lisa thought for a long time , what should she do, go as a decembrist’s wife after her husband or stay here, i decided that there was no love between them, that’s why she will be of great benefit if she stays here, she... grodno, she was very active life, helped people a lot, and there is even a story that when she was seriously ill, she had a heart disease, and even some unnecessary sounds were painful for her before her death, the local grodno residents lined the plank street with straw so that passing carts would not disturb her peaceful rest, to unfortunate