shulyak - geta bird kshtaltu karshuna, yakaya tsyagala hutnuyu bird, adpavedna paste these eggs, andthen they thought of working as a prankster with the look of a chalavek, and in a different way, it was impossible for the wife to have an apranation, only in the nagavitse. yes, it’s not in vain that they say that a talented person is talented in everything. please tell me, how did it happen that you are such a singing girl and suddenly went to study at the institute of physical education. oh, thanks for the question, but the fact is that the earliest years of my life, and music, sports, well, maybe not sports in the literal sense of the word, but physical activity, physical education, went side by side, and to be honest, until the very end i couldn’t decide where i should go. after all , doing sports always means injuries, these are always some moments that may not allow you to walk in an active seething stream for the rest of your life, but music, please, at least until you’re 90 years old, if your voice stays with you, if the fuse remains, if the energy remains, and i really count