miss latimore, this is a latimore buck, you started out the year they have the wallet and keep the latimore creative stuff. so, another one of your videos and exchange with another one of your students. listen here. >> and you have $7 in that wallet after $30. >> 9. >> you have 9. >> ouch, this hurts. >> what do you mean it hurts? paying this much money? >> yes. >> that's how i feel every day of my life. >> don't we all? what a lesson. >> honestly, they learn that things have a price tag, they have a cost, and even the concept of learning to budget, you know, when they have to -- when they want to buy a reward that costs more, sometimes they sit out for a reward day and they build up what's in their wallet. so it's definitely a lesson they enjoy. >> sandra: miss latimore, the kids are lucky to have you as a teacher, great life lessons and interesting fun creative way to go about. who could figure out how to teach kids inflation, what it means and means to them and their family, really great stuff. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, thank you. >> sandra: ok. john, love it. financial litera