italian it would probably be even cooler, but unlike evgeny anegin, there is a heavier text, even in lazinsky are these very ancient gods, and there it is directly loaded , loaded, and really at some point the hippocampus once again becomes more effective, but in fact, well, for me, if we talk about life hacks, of course the most the important thing is to reproduce what you know, here are the actors then, then the actors must be the smartest, i recently read torkovsky’s memoirs, he wrote so many nasty things about them, but in principle, an actor as a profession is memorizing a huge amount of information and reproducing it, but a very very specific university professor is even more noticeable you think i ’m speaking from a record, but that’s because in fact we have to not only attach emotions to this, but really keep in our heads a complete picture of sometimes very complex events and learn to reproduce it for others doing so. regularly and this is the most wonderful thing in my opinion for memory, that is, you are not only at the entrance, but also at the exit, this repeated playback radical