lebauf said 420 korean and 420 paper when it entered the market, the domestic producer was no longer able to compete with it, that's it. it would be possible for him, for example, at the price of the open market for the importer it brings a preferred width. well, naturally, this distance means that the production is not economical. what we have done is to prevent inflation firstly with this paper because we believe that our domestic paper is almost equal in terms of width if we do not provide special support from there . yes, domestic paper is half the price of foreign paper , so an important thing is, what is the amount we need? with people let's talk because you can talk a lot about qualitative issues without quantity, but we will go to the quality. now, that quality versus quantity means that with accurate measurements, now i will tell you the same point: 125 to 130 thousand, all our paper needs are for textbooks, for the press, for publishers . now , the package of the oven in question is about 25,000 tons. but the minimum requirement for writing paper is 80,000 tons, and today w