at me, drink, come on, why are you getting excited in vain, you’d better give me some, come on in, lechenkarink, you fool, he’s coming, maybe he got caught, maybe something else, come on. you despise, no, i sympathize, yeah. boy, you don’t have any fiancée. oh, my grandmother was a gypsy, so i see a lot, the line of love is free, you don’t have any bride. i had a fiancée, but in 1941 she and her mother went to change food. the mother was killed, she disappeared, it’s clear, katya, i’m sorry, let me help, na. well, help me, and you know, i also had a fiancé, he was discharged due to injury, he returned, but here is a choice, he tells me, don’t be offended, i love you, but i feel sorry for all women, he’s so compassionate to me was. and you decided to revenge on all men, if you want, i ’ll feel sorry for you, you’re so handsome, so serious, many people love you, well... this is how you should be treated, and if your bride is alive, she’s now in love with someone else, you’re in it have no doubt, vasily nikolaevich, vasily nikolaevich. to karl jacobs, from the senior management of the adolf hi