order to train our own scientific personnel, professional european scientists were needed, such as leonardhere in the archives, do you remember letters from kant or fredrich to the great euler? if we know lumonosov, then the whole world knows ellera. little red, you see, yes, this is evacuation in the first place, brilliant conditions have become create for academicians, they were paid for housing, paid for food, they come at full expense, expeditions were very expensive. the task that was set before the academy, yes, it’s like the deck of a ship, and a key needs to be inserted, yes, where is the key, vadim’s key is there, hurray, hurray, hurray, excellent, the territory of modern russia, a territory on which there are many important events world history took place in antiquity, and the first academic expeditions, expeditions of the 16th century, were the beginning. it’s as if we won’t see ourselves, the beginning of the 15th century, dowels, you see, yeah, dowels, dowels in this in the bottom, now you’ll see, we have one dowel in the bottom, and this is the second, the second wall, this i