and that includes for leonid zakutenko's business.nd him. even as we search, we know he's still sending out the chemical. so that must be the post office. with at least five shipments a week, he must come here all the time. then we spot a man carrying parcels. inside, it's him, i'm sure. leonid zakutenko posting packets of poison around the world. i want to talk to you about the poison you're selling. you're selling poison to people around the world. i don't sell them. what were you posting in the post office? i'm just going to put a mask on to be extra careful. back in london, we take leonid's chemical to a lab for testing. a world authority, professor amrita ahluwalia has carried out more than 180 similar tests for police and pathologists in the uk. oh, wow. so that's completely off the scale. there's no question. unequivocal. and if you ingested that, that might well kill you. if you ingested enough of it, yeah. in this box, more than enough poison to kill. we made sure it was safely disposed of. selling this chemical to vulnerable