got fatter, got prettier, listen, these are guests , decide to introduce yourself, lev alekseevich, itches the first name, the first name, yes, rare, well, it’s her , well, it’s probably her, what can i say, you may have a son in common with her, but you don’t know what write to her, i don’t know, you might think, you know, i don’t know, well, write to her and ask her if she has a son, wait, well, not so fast. well, well, well, well, what did she answer? listen, well, well, well, a person can’t answer so quickly, well, look, she’s not online at all, well it’s okay, maybe he’ll answer this evening or tomorrow, or maybe the day after tomorrow, and this garik will live with us all this time, well, we can’t kick him out, but he kindly came, in a good way, to meet me wants, after all, the new year, after all, is a family holiday, you know what, you, please, define the boundaries of your family, and... maybe you’ll also invite masha, okay, come here, everyone, look at bird, varenka, daughter, maybe we ’ll take the bird home, otherwise it’ll freeze, no, no need, it's morozov's bird. such a sa