Jun 25, 2024
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lidia: las cÁmaras los captaron acompaÑando a la menor en una tienda de conveniencia. y la llevaron a un arroyo debajo de un puente, donde permanecieron por 2hs antes de quitarle la vida. >> eso no se le desea a ninguna persona, una nena de 12 aÑos. que la tengan que amarrar, dejar desnuda y todavÍa pensando en deshacerse de la evidencia, componiÉndola en agua. no me digan que esto no lo han hecho antes. lidia: se ha dado a conocer que entraron a estados unidos de manera irregular y tras interceptarlos, los pusieron en libertad. >> no todo el que cruza la frontera es malo, pero entre todos vienen algunos que si. lidia: martÍnez de wrangel se enfrentarÁn juez y se espera una fianza del mismo monto. visiblemente afligida, la madre de jocelyn asegura que seguirÁ luchando por justicia para su hija. en estos momentos no califica para la pena de muerte, pero podrÍa cambiar en cualquier momento de comprobarse que abusaron de la menor y que la secuestraron. jorge: un entrenamiento de bomberos terminÓ en tragedia. vilma nos dice que revela hasta ahora. vilma: un grupo de bomber
lidia: las cÁmaras los captaron acompaÑando a la menor en una tienda de conveniencia. y la llevaron a un arroyo debajo de un puente, donde permanecieron por 2hs antes de quitarle la vida. >> eso no se le desea a ninguna persona, una nena de 12 aÑos. que la tengan que amarrar, dejar desnuda y todavÍa pensando en deshacerse de la evidencia, componiÉndola en agua. no me digan que esto no lo han hecho antes. lidia: se ha dado a conocer que entraron a estados unidos de manera irregular y...
Jun 20, 2024
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lidia: la tormenta tropical alberto, mark esta temÍa temporada de huracanes, millones de personas desdeico permanecen bajo alerta y en una de las zona que ya sienten sus efectos, residentes vieron los niveles de agua subiera rÁpidamente. un pie de agua en tan sÓlo media hora, dice, mientras que su esposa, quien lleva 26 aÑos viviendo en la regiÓn, nunca habÍa visto algo asÍ, las zonas inundadas en el estado del estrella solitaria contra nada verse en galveston, y las lluvias permanecen constante, se espera que se intensifican las prÓximas horas acompaÑado de vientos sostenidos que sobrepasan las 40 mph. albergues como alimento ya abierto sus puertas para aquellos que lo necesiten, para que yo tambiÉn que tiene una temporada turÍstica. no pensÉ que serÍa cuÁn grande, dice este turista que se refugia en un hotel rodeado de otros negocios que estÁn bajo casi un pie de agua. algunos residentes intentaron desafiar la tormenta, caminando hacia sus empleos, horas mÁs tarde se regresaron. la suegra de eric para pedirle que regrese a casa ya que el complejo habitacional donde vive comienza a inu
lidia: la tormenta tropical alberto, mark esta temÍa temporada de huracanes, millones de personas desdeico permanecen bajo alerta y en una de las zona que ya sienten sus efectos, residentes vieron los niveles de agua subiera rÁpidamente. un pie de agua en tan sÓlo media hora, dice, mientras que su esposa, quien lleva 26 aÑos viviendo en la regiÓn, nunca habÍa visto algo asÍ, las zonas inundadas en el estado del estrella solitaria contra nada verse en galveston, y las lluvias permanecen...
Jun 30, 2024
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lidia, look, it’s like that, but i can completely...ssume that this is the right turn, the right is not will give themselves advice, just as the left will not give themselves advice, and europe itself, after a year or two, seeing that their eyes are alternatives, that is, voting not for the traditional agenda, but for such a conservative one on the one hand, or on the contrary some so socialist, nothing will be given, and they will simply go back to such traditional, if nearby. days simply because they think now that these are bad, and now we will choose others, they will probably be better, then they will be convinced that these are not better, but those that may have been really better before, then let's go back again, and let us have all kinds of macrons, sunaks and so on and the like, and i think that it will be somewhat different, although the desire of a person not to recognize some... to say that they were different, and no, not to use cause and effect connections, well, this is very typical, it has been known for a long time, it
lidia, look, it’s like that, but i can completely...ssume that this is the right turn, the right is not will give themselves advice, just as the left will not give themselves advice, and europe itself, after a year or two, seeing that their eyes are alternatives, that is, voting not for the traditional agenda, but for such a conservative one on the one hand, or on the contrary some so socialist, nothing will be given, and they will simply go back to such traditional, if nearby. days simply...
Jun 23, 2024
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vamos hasta houston con lidia terrazas que tiene las reacciones de los aficionados mexicanos luego de concurso del perro Ás feo del mundo ya tiene el ganador de este aÑo... y para cerrar la noche, un concurso en el que la belleza la correa... en el concurso anual del "perro Ás feo del mundo", celebrado en la feria de sonoma-maÍn de petaluma, california, un pequiÉs de 8 aÑos llamado "wild thang" se convirtÓ por fin en el ganador.... haÍa quedado segundo en el concurso tres veces en aÑos anteriores... y asi llegamos al final con las noticias mas importantes a sta hora gracias por acompañarnos. nos vemos con mas noticias a las once y media en su noticiero sanel, gomen. maribel: mamá, mamacita, por favor, ya bájale, ¿sí? bájale, porque estoy muy nerviosa y tus gritos de gallina guchipelona no me dejan estar en paz. maría: no le puedo bajar porque estoy destruyendo un niño en línea. es japonés, de japón,
vamos hasta houston con lidia terrazas que tiene las reacciones de los aficionados mexicanos luego de concurso del perro Ás feo del mundo ya tiene el ganador de este aÑo... y para cerrar la noche, un concurso en el que la belleza la correa... en el concurso anual del "perro Ás feo del mundo", celebrado en la feria de sonoma-maÍn de petaluma, california, un pequiÉs de 8 aÑos llamado "wild thang" se convirtÓ por fin en el ganador.... haÍa quedado segundo en el concurso...
Jun 28, 2024
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lidia: en un carruaje llegÓ joselyn nungaray, de 12 aÑos.torio en el paÍs. estos migrantes la mataron y la tiraron en un arroyo, estos sospechosos son migrantes venezolanos. dentro de este funeral habÍan funcionarios polÍticos. >> haremos todo lo posible para que se haga justicia. reportera: esta madre se siente incrÉdula por lo que sucediÓ. >> estoy impactada, no entiendo por quÉ hay gente tan mala y sucia. reportera: el padre de la menor pudo estar en el funeral brevemente por medio de un permiso temporal. liberaron palomas blancas como sÍmbolo de paz. las investigaciones alrededor del asesinato de la joven continÚan, sabemos que todavÍa no se califica como pena de muerte, pero esto podrÍa cambiar. piden la pena mÁxima para estos dos acusados. eliÁn: en new jersey un camiÓn impactÓ contra una casa en los suburbios de una ciudad. el conductor de este enorme camiÓn sufriÓ un estado de salud. paulina: faltan poco dÍas para la celebraciÓn del 4 de julio. segÚn la agencia de la aaa se espera el mayor nÚmero de viajes en la historia de el paÍs.
lidia: en un carruaje llegÓ joselyn nungaray, de 12 aÑos.torio en el paÍs. estos migrantes la mataron y la tiraron en un arroyo, estos sospechosos son migrantes venezolanos. dentro de este funeral habÍan funcionarios polÍticos. >> haremos todo lo posible para que se haga justicia. reportera: esta madre se siente incrÉdula por lo que sucediÓ. >> estoy impactada, no entiendo por quÉ hay gente tan mala y sucia. reportera: el padre de la menor pudo estar en el funeral brevemente...
Jun 20, 2024
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lidia, buenos dÍas. lidia: buenos dÍas. continuamos en el Área de corpus cristi texas.do que salir de sus hogares o que quieran proteger sus hogares. esto continÚa por las prÓximas horas, aunque las lluvias han cesado. se han calmado. estos vientos continÚan bastante fuertes. es todo de mi parte. satcha: muchas gracias, lidia. justo cuando el pentÁgono enfrenta desafÍos, el congreso evaluado protestas para actualizar la inscripciÓn obligatoria incluyendo ampliarlo por primera vez a las mujeres. ademÁs de registrar automÁticamente a los hombres cuando cumplen 18 aÑos y son elegibles para ser llamados. el ejÉrcito estadounidense no ha activado un reclutamiento en mÁs de 50 aÑos. si estas pagando una deuda estudiantil revisa tu saldo este verano. se avecinan grandes cambios. a partir del prÓximo 1 de julio millones de prestatarios verÍan una reducciÓn de hasta la mitad de sus pagos mensuales. para recibir este beneficio tienes que escribir en el plan que toma en cuenta la mayor parte de tus ingresos a la hora de calcular las mensualidades y no acumula intereses mÁs allÁ de
lidia, buenos dÍas. lidia: buenos dÍas. continuamos en el Área de corpus cristi texas.do que salir de sus hogares o que quieran proteger sus hogares. esto continÚa por las prÓximas horas, aunque las lluvias han cesado. se han calmado. estos vientos continÚan bastante fuertes. es todo de mi parte. satcha: muchas gracias, lidia. justo cuando el pentÁgono enfrenta desafÍos, el congreso evaluado protestas para actualizar la inscripciÓn obligatoria incluyendo ampliarlo por primera vez a las...
Jun 8, 2024
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reportera: lidia vive angustiada por sus padres que asegura estÁn indefensos. >> ellos ahorita estÁnn estÁn hastiados. reportera: un niÑo ondea una bandera blanca para solicitar un cese al fuego. >> estamos pasando violencia en muchos pueblos de chiapas. reportera: el presidente de mÉxico ha sido cuestionado sobre la violencia. >> son muy pocos y ya se ha calmado bastante la situaciÓn. reportera: hasta hoy elementos de la guardia nacional hicieron presencia. del gobierno federal, ni estatal ni municipal se han pronunciado por estos hechos y pobladores aseguran que estÁn obligados a dejar todo lo que tienen para poder sobrevivir. >> es un tipo de marcus foligno que se sabe defender. presentador: un avistamiento de pumas se da en san josÉ es. detalles al regresar. presentadora: llegÓ el momento para participar para ganarte un par de boletos para ver a pancho barraza. sÁbado 16 de noviembre en san josÉ es. presentador: gracias por acompaÑarnos. saber quÉ hacer si se encuentra con uno de estos animales? hubo un nuevo avistamiento de, que se registrÓ en san josÉ. ocurre a menos de 24 hora
reportera: lidia vive angustiada por sus padres que asegura estÁn indefensos. >> ellos ahorita estÁnn estÁn hastiados. reportera: un niÑo ondea una bandera blanca para solicitar un cese al fuego. >> estamos pasando violencia en muchos pueblos de chiapas. reportera: el presidente de mÉxico ha sido cuestionado sobre la violencia. >> son muy pocos y ya se ha calmado bastante la situaciÓn. reportera: hasta hoy elementos de la guardia nacional hicieron presencia. del gobierno...
Jun 26, 2024
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de 12 aÑos de edad y el juez le impuso una fianza de $10,000,000, ambos son inmigrantes venezolanos, lidianto terminaron familiares, la niÑa de 12 aÑos que fue asesinado y cuerpo desnudo fue hallado, asesino, mirame a la cara gritÓ la abuela de la niÑa cuando terminÓ la audiencia del segundo acusado. un juez le fijo una fianza de $10,000, al momento de su arresto tenÍa mordidas y rasguÑos en su brazos. hay metiÓ investigadores haber atado a la niÑa de pies y manos y haber lanzado el cuerpo al agua y el otro acusado que se enfrentÓ un juez donde antes confesÓ haber acusado la niÑa esa noche, le quitÓ el pantalÓn y la estrangulÓ, a este lugar continÚan llegando personas todos los dÍas y no sÓlo a dejar obsequios, flores y dicen que no pueden creer que esto sucediÓ en su propio vecindario. di dos personas adultas haciendo eso, no merecen perdÓn de dios y ambos hombres ingresaron de manera irregular, la fiscalÍa confirma que investigan si ambos estÁn vinculados a una pandilla. >> somos millones de indocumentados en este paÍs y por ellos todo pagamos. comentarista: continÚan registrando el celu
de 12 aÑos de edad y el juez le impuso una fianza de $10,000,000, ambos son inmigrantes venezolanos, lidianto terminaron familiares, la niÑa de 12 aÑos que fue asesinado y cuerpo desnudo fue hallado, asesino, mirame a la cara gritÓ la abuela de la niÑa cuando terminÓ la audiencia del segundo acusado. un juez le fijo una fianza de $10,000, al momento de su arresto tenÍa mordidas y rasguÑos en su brazos. hay metiÓ investigadores haber atado a la niÑa de pies y manos y haber lanzado el...
Jun 26, 2024
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de 12 aÑos de edad y el juez le impuso una fianza de $10,000,000, ambos son inmigrantes venezolanos, lidiaamiliares, la niÑa de 12 aÑos que fue asesinado y cuerpo desnudo fue hallado, asesino, mirame a la cara gritÓ la abuela de la niÑa cuando terminÓ la audiencia del segundo acusado. un juez le fijo una fianza de $10,000, al momento de su arresto tenÍa mordidas y rasguÑos en su brazos. hay metiÓ investigadores haber atado a la niÑa de pies y manos y haber lanzado el cuerpo al agua y el otro acusado que se enfrentÓ un juez donde antes confesÓ haber acusado la niÑa esa noche, le quitÓ el pantalÓn y la estrangulÓ, a este lugar continÚan llegando personas todos los dÍas y no sÓlo a dejar obsequios, flores y dicen que no pueden creer que esto sucediÓ en su propio vecindario. di dos personas adultas haciendo eso, no merecen perdÓn de dios y ambos hombres ingresaron de manera irregular, la fiscalÍa confirma que investigan si ambos estÁn vinculados a una pandilla. >> somos millones de indocumentados en este paÍs y por ellos todo pagamos. comentarista: continÚan registrando el celular donde encont
de 12 aÑos de edad y el juez le impuso una fianza de $10,000,000, ambos son inmigrantes venezolanos, lidiaamiliares, la niÑa de 12 aÑos que fue asesinado y cuerpo desnudo fue hallado, asesino, mirame a la cara gritÓ la abuela de la niÑa cuando terminÓ la audiencia del segundo acusado. un juez le fijo una fianza de $10,000, al momento de su arresto tenÍa mordidas y rasguÑos en su brazos. hay metiÓ investigadores haber atado a la niÑa de pies y manos y haber lanzado el cuerpo al agua y...
Jun 28, 2024
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lidia: en un carruaje llegÓ joselyn nungaray, de 12 aÑos.se dieron cita para despedir a la pequeÑa, vÍctima de un crimen atroz que ha intensificado un debate migratorio en el paÍs. estos migrantes la mataron y la tiraron en un arroyo, estos sospechosos son migrantes venezolanos. dentro de este funeral habÍan funcionarios polÍticos. >> haremos todo lo posible para que se haga justicia. reportera: esta madre se siente incrÉdula por lo que sucediÓ. >> estoy impactada, no entiendo por quÉ hay gente tan mala y sucia. reportera: el padre de la menor pudo estar en el funeral brevemente por medio de un permiso temporal. liberaron palomas blancas como sÍmbolo de paz. las investigaciones alrededor del asesinato de la joven continÚan, sabemos que todavÍa no se califica como pena de muerte, pero esto podrÍa cambiar. piden la pena mÁxima para estos dos acusados. eliÁn: en new jersey un camiÓn impactÓ contra una casa en los suburbios de una ciudad. el conductor de este enorme camiÓn sufriÓ un estado de salud. paulina: faltan poco dÍas para la celebraciÓn
lidia: en un carruaje llegÓ joselyn nungaray, de 12 aÑos.se dieron cita para despedir a la pequeÑa, vÍctima de un crimen atroz que ha intensificado un debate migratorio en el paÍs. estos migrantes la mataron y la tiraron en un arroyo, estos sospechosos son migrantes venezolanos. dentro de este funeral habÍan funcionarios polÍticos. >> haremos todo lo posible para que se haga justicia. reportera: esta madre se siente incrÉdula por lo que sucediÓ. >> estoy impactada, no...
Jun 25, 2024
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lidia tiene sus reacciones.odavÍa... todavÍa pensando en deshacerse de la evidencia. no me vengan a mi que no lo han hecho antes. lidia: el caso recabado mÁs atenciÓn al darse a conocer que los hombres entre una estados unidos de manera irregular. tras interceptarlo la patrulla fronteriza lo pusieron en libertad con Órdenes de comparecencia ante una corte de inmigraciÓn. >> no todo el que cruza la frontera siento que es malo, pero vienen algunos que sÍ. lidia: johann josÉ martÍnez se va enfrentar a un juez la maÑana del martes. se espera que se le fijÓ una fianza del mismo monto. visiblemente afligida la madre de jocelyn asegura que seguirÁ luchando por justicia para su hija. satcha: lidia, muchas gracias. seguimos muy de cerca el desarrollo de este caso tan lamentable. vamos a mbiar de tema. se cumple el sueÑo. por primera se proclaman campeones de la liga nacional de hockey. [aplausos] eso! tras vencer 2—1 a los de canadÁ. en un agÓnico sÉptimo partido anoche. los aficionados arrojan miles de ratas de goma a l
lidia tiene sus reacciones.odavÍa... todavÍa pensando en deshacerse de la evidencia. no me vengan a mi que no lo han hecho antes. lidia: el caso recabado mÁs atenciÓn al darse a conocer que los hombres entre una estados unidos de manera irregular. tras interceptarlo la patrulla fronteriza lo pusieron en libertad con Órdenes de comparecencia ante una corte de inmigraciÓn. >> no todo el que cruza la frontera siento que es malo, pero vienen algunos que sÍ. lidia: johann josÉ...
Jun 20, 2024
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diagnosed in a timely manner diagnosis, why the fighter today many things that were arranged, trampled, lidiaant to say something, but he died at night, i turned a blind eye to her for a long time, she’s a pest, it’s been a long time, clearly, i come here the other day, and she’s tinkering with it, why are you tinkering with it, she’s a specialist, a technician , i have to tinker with it, they should have warned valentina palonna about this, i don’t remember, i’m a new person here, i have an entry in the duty log, comrades, what is this, in our hospital the mortality rate has tripled because we we don’t treat people, we sign papers stating that everything is fine with us, but the wounded they are dying, and first of all, sit down, golubeva, this is slander, and you know what happens for slander, but it’s written down in my journal... she personally asked me to write it down, and why are you frozen, comrade shepelno, or maybe you’re very interested listen to this nonsense, sign it, don’t sign anything, it’s a lie, and i won’t sign it, check the facts, well done, i ’ll court-martial you as you
diagnosed in a timely manner diagnosis, why the fighter today many things that were arranged, trampled, lidiaant to say something, but he died at night, i turned a blind eye to her for a long time, she’s a pest, it’s been a long time, clearly, i come here the other day, and she’s tinkering with it, why are you tinkering with it, she’s a specialist, a technician , i have to tinker with it, they should have warned valentina palonna about this, i don’t remember, i’m a new person here,...
Jun 27, 2024
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lidia, univisiÓn.eja y la criatura sufriÓ serias heridas. tuvieron que trasladado a un hospital donde se espera que se recupere. paulina: algunos critican la presencia de varios padres migrantes acompaÑado de sus hijos pequeÑos para vender dulces o agua. estos migrantes aseguran que la falta de asistencia para cuidar a los menores los obliga llevarlos al lugar donde trabaja. pedÍ nos muestra la situaciÓn. peggy: con bebÉs en sus espaldas o niÑos a su lado cada vez serÍa mÁs comÚn ver algunos padres inmigrantes vendiendo frutas o agua en el subway de nueva york. pese a que la prÁctica ha sido criticada, muchos, como la ecuatoriana que padre desde adolescente,dice que el problema que no sabe a donde recurrir. >> se me ha hecho difÍcil encontrar una guarderÍa porque realmente venimos por una situaciÓn muy dura de nuestro paÍs y se me hace muy difÍcil porque no conozco a donde tengo que ir. peggy: una encuesta a decenas de estos padres por parte de ellos y la iniciativa concluyÓ que un 42% no tiene acceso
lidia, univisiÓn.eja y la criatura sufriÓ serias heridas. tuvieron que trasladado a un hospital donde se espera que se recupere. paulina: algunos critican la presencia de varios padres migrantes acompaÑado de sus hijos pequeÑos para vender dulces o agua. estos migrantes aseguran que la falta de asistencia para cuidar a los menores los obliga llevarlos al lugar donde trabaja. pedÍ nos muestra la situaciÓn. peggy: con bebÉs en sus espaldas o niÑos a su lado cada vez serÍa mÁs comÚn ver...
Jun 25, 2024
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impuso al coacusado, ambos son inmigrantes venezolanos y se vivieron dramÁticos momentos, nos cuenta lidiailiares de jocelyn, niÑa de 12 aÑos que fue asesinado y cuyo cuerpo semi desnudo fue hallado en houston, mÍrame a la cara gritÓ la abuela de la niÑa, en un juez lee dio una fianza, antes de que ella volviera a llamarlo asesino y se la llevaran de la corte. al momento de su arresto martÍnez Ángel tenÍa mordidas y rasguÑos en sus brazos y admitiÓ haber atado a pies y manos, haber lanzado su cuervo al agua y el otro acusado que se enfrentÓ un juez un dÍa antes y culpÓ a martÍnez Ángel de quitarle el pantalÓn y estrangularlo. continÚan llegando personas todos los dÍas, no sÓlo a dejardos personas adultas haciendo eso no merecen el perdÓn de dios, ambos hombres ingresaron hace menos de tres meses, confirma que estÁn vinculados en alguna pandilla de nuestro paÍs estatal. varios testigos ayudan a autoridades, incluyendo a los que trabajaban en construcciÓn y aunque el caso no califica y comprobarse que la menor fue violada, esto podrÍa cambiar. crisis a nivel nacional o una crisis de salud, e
impuso al coacusado, ambos son inmigrantes venezolanos y se vivieron dramÁticos momentos, nos cuenta lidiailiares de jocelyn, niÑa de 12 aÑos que fue asesinado y cuyo cuerpo semi desnudo fue hallado en houston, mÍrame a la cara gritÓ la abuela de la niÑa, en un juez lee dio una fianza, antes de que ella volviera a llamarlo asesino y se la llevaran de la corte. al momento de su arresto martÍnez Ángel tenÍa mordidas y rasguÑos en sus brazos y admitiÓ haber atado a pies y manos, haber...
Jun 19, 2024
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lidia zablotskaya is on cultural watch in vitebsk, lida, are you loud already?ternoon, yes, indeed, our city of talented people is just waking up and getting drunk, we joke among ourselves that the casting has begun to spread across the country, so i came to visit chagall, so our contestants today , i’m very pleased that yesterday , if you were still looking closely at the casting, then today we already have a record, there is already excitement, there are 20 stories and 20 new ones waiting for us. about the fact that today there is a casting at 2:00 am, today my sister called me, masha says, my name is maria, and we have a casting in vitebsk, i think, so i have nothing, i have nothing, how do i in general, i’ll go, but in the end i woke up a little early, got ready, thought about what song to sing, and well , we probably need two, yeah, here i am, i’m unemployed, so my grandmother provides for me, it’s a joke. and i already believed, i have a dream to connect my life with music, this was actually a goal from an early age and... somehow we never came to this, we
lidia zablotskaya is on cultural watch in vitebsk, lida, are you loud already?ternoon, yes, indeed, our city of talented people is just waking up and getting drunk, we joke among ourselves that the casting has begun to spread across the country, so i came to visit chagall, so our contestants today , i’m very pleased that yesterday , if you were still looking closely at the casting, then today we already have a record, there is already excitement, there are 20 stories and 20 new ones waiting...
Jun 27, 2024
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lidia, univisiÓn.ra sufriÓ serias heridas. tuvieron que trasladado a un hospital donde se espera que se recupere. paulina: algunos critican la presencia de varios padres migrantes acompaÑado de sus hijos pequeÑos para vender dulces o agua. estos migrantes aseguran que la falta de asistencia para cuidar a los menores los obliga llevarlos al lugar donde trabaja. pedÍ nos muestra la situaciÓn. peggy: con bebÉs en sus espaldas o niÑos a su lado cada vez serÍa mÁs comÚn ver algunos padres inmigrantes vendiendo frutas o agua en el subway de nueva york. pese a que la prÁctica ha sido criticada, muchos, como la ecuatoriana que padre desde adolescente,dice que el problema que no sabe a donde recurrir. >> se me ha hecho difÍcil encontrar una guarderÍa porque realmente venimos por una situaciÓn muy dura de nuestro paÍs y se me hace muy difÍcil porque no conozco a donde tengo que ir. peggy: una encuesta a decenas de estos padres por parte de ellos y la iniciativa concluyÓ que un 42% no tiene acceso a los servicios
lidia, univisiÓn.ra sufriÓ serias heridas. tuvieron que trasladado a un hospital donde se espera que se recupere. paulina: algunos critican la presencia de varios padres migrantes acompaÑado de sus hijos pequeÑos para vender dulces o agua. estos migrantes aseguran que la falta de asistencia para cuidar a los menores los obliga llevarlos al lugar donde trabaja. pedÍ nos muestra la situaciÓn. peggy: con bebÉs en sus espaldas o niÑos a su lado cada vez serÍa mÁs comÚn ver algunos padres...
Jun 7, 2024
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no fue un enfrentamiento, fue lidia sÁnchez. >> perdiÓ comunicaciÓn con sus padres que viven en tila. incendiÓ en la casa, mientras que habitantes exigen ayuda al gobierno federal. no ha entrado ningÚn ningÚn ni a nivel estatal ni a nivel federal, ninguna fuerza pÚblica. >> el activista luis alonso asegura que aÚn no puede contabilizarse la magnitud de los ataques ocurridos en tila. >> estamos en una situaciÓn, yo creo, de una masacre. no hay forma de saber cuÁntos muertos hay en este momento, pero se teme que son decenas de muertos y decenas de casas quemadas. >> los grupos de sicarios fueron identificados por habitantes como los autÓnomos y karma, y se enfrentan principalmente por el control de este municipio, ya que la importancia de la ubicaciÓn en tila al estar a tan solo dos horas del estado de tabasco, esta localidad representa una puerta de entrada de paso de drogas y tambiÉn migrantes rumbo a la entidad, por lo que se presume que estos grupos criminales ven este punto como una ubicaciÓn estratÉ. >> aranza valeria, muchas gracias por este reporte. esta noche una familia hispan
no fue un enfrentamiento, fue lidia sÁnchez. >> perdiÓ comunicaciÓn con sus padres que viven en tila. incendiÓ en la casa, mientras que habitantes exigen ayuda al gobierno federal. no ha entrado ningÚn ningÚn ni a nivel estatal ni a nivel federal, ninguna fuerza pÚblica. >> el activista luis alonso asegura que aÚn no puede contabilizarse la magnitud de los ataques ocurridos en tila. >> estamos en una situaciÓn, yo creo, de una masacre. no hay forma de saber cuÁntos...
Jun 23, 2024
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. >> lidia, do you think somebody is making you buy a car? >> yeah. it mandatory. >> americans won't be required to drive electric vehicles. the car manufacturers, was there a goal set for the transition to happen, but americans won't be required and car manufacturers will still make combustion engines, too. does everyone here trust their state government to fairly and safely administer the upcoming presidential election? >> i do. >> lidia, you believe the state of georgia will administer your election fairly? >> well, there's been a lot of changes since the last election. >> you don't think they did in 2020? >> i -- 50/50. >> i, too, am from georgia, and i agree. the election is going to be correct in georgia. >> i think the concerning thing is that in most areas the population is split almost so evenly that it really doesn't take a lot to tip the balance one way or the other, and i guess, just here in the state of wisconsin i don't have 100% confidence in dane county and madison or in milwaukee where it matters where at 10:00 p.m. when you go to bed
. >> lidia, do you think somebody is making you buy a car? >> yeah. it mandatory. >> americans won't be required to drive electric vehicles. the car manufacturers, was there a goal set for the transition to happen, but americans won't be required and car manufacturers will still make combustion engines, too. does everyone here trust their state government to fairly and safely administer the upcoming presidential election? >> i do. >> lidia, you believe the state of...
Jun 27, 2024
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borja: cambiamos el tema, a esta hora bolivia lidia con las consecuencias del intento de golpe de estadoollado las pasadas 24 horas. andrea: soldados y tanquetas intentaron tomar la sede del gobierno de bolivia. al mando, el general de ejÉrcito juan josÉ zÚÑiga, intentando ver derrocar el ejÉrcito de luis arce, un intento golpista que durÓ 3 horas . arce, king llegÓ al poder en 2020, llamo estar alertas y movilizados despuÉs de controlar la situaciÓn. >> para seguir resistiendo cualquier intento golpista, porque bolivia se merece la democracia que se ha ganado en las calles. andrea: el intento de golpe vino despuÉs de la destituciÓn del general zÚÑiga, quien se opuso pÚblicamente a la relaciÓn de evo morales. el grupo de militares que lideraba tomÓ la plaza murillo, cediendo al palacio de gobierno. >> a la gente pobre, a la gente necesitada, para que en nombre de ellos tenga como objetivo llegar al poder. en medio del ataque, el presidente arce nombrÓ nuevo al ——alto mando militar, y restituyendo el orden,. anunciÓ la destituciÓn del comandante de la armada, presentandolo esposado frente
borja: cambiamos el tema, a esta hora bolivia lidia con las consecuencias del intento de golpe de estadoollado las pasadas 24 horas. andrea: soldados y tanquetas intentaron tomar la sede del gobierno de bolivia. al mando, el general de ejÉrcito juan josÉ zÚÑiga, intentando ver derrocar el ejÉrcito de luis arce, un intento golpista que durÓ 3 horas . arce, king llegÓ al poder en 2020, llamo estar alertas y movilizados despuÉs de controlar la situaciÓn. >> para seguir resistiendo...
Jun 2, 2024
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lidia bonilla es trabajadora de la limpieza, inicia su jornada de madrugada y todos los días viaja desdechos. y bueno, para noviembre de 2023 la cantidad de feminicidios en méxico aumentó a 769. vamos que obligó a residentes de tracy a evacuar la zona. con esto y más. los esperamos. y recuerde que tiene hasta las 17:00 de la tarde para salir a votar aquí en pantalla, puede ver las direcciones de las sedes consulares en la región en fresno. puede ir al 74 35 norte en grand avenue en sacramento 20 3 93 arena boulevard en san francisco 5 32 folsom street y en san josé 302 en south drive. recuerde que a partir de las 4 estaremos transmitiendo en nuestras plataformas de streaming todas las incidencias de las elecciones de méxico y a partir de las 6 estaremos en vivo por las pantallas de sus televisores con lo último que acontezca en esta jornada electoral. también recuerde que volvemos con su noticiero local a partir de las 23:00 de la noche con los resultados más recientes de esta contienda histórica en méxico. así que conéctese con nosotros. los dejamos bien informado. feliz tarde para todo
lidia bonilla es trabajadora de la limpieza, inicia su jornada de madrugada y todos los días viaja desdechos. y bueno, para noviembre de 2023 la cantidad de feminicidios en méxico aumentó a 769. vamos que obligó a residentes de tracy a evacuar la zona. con esto y más. los esperamos. y recuerde que tiene hasta las 17:00 de la tarde para salir a votar aquí en pantalla, puede ver las direcciones de las sedes consulares en la región en fresno. puede ir al 74 35 norte en grand avenue en...
Jun 10, 2024
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as lidia, an acquaintance, remembers , his smile will be remembered.woman shows the graduation photo album and says: although he has changed externally, his kindness has always been the same as in childhood. there was such a case, in me, my father was hospitalized, yes, my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august, and we had to dig out the garden, well, since we live in shkarovka in the village, and my mother is on my nerves, my father is in the hospital, and it is so difficult , it was kind of scary, i was... 17 years old, i come up, i say , well, he talks, talks, he says, why are you worried, i’ll help you, yes, and he helped me then, and it’s so much for me i remembered that he, what are you worried about, we will dig up your potatoes, everything will be fine, well, it was very memorable, and such there were many cases of support and understanding, soldier mykola shatniuk was posthumously awarded the order for courage of the third degree and is an honorary member of the belotserki community, these awards are now almost the only reminder
as lidia, an acquaintance, remembers , his smile will be remembered.woman shows the graduation photo album and says: although he has changed externally, his kindness has always been the same as in childhood. there was such a case, in me, my father was hospitalized, yes, my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august, and we had to dig out the garden, well, since we live in shkarovka in the village, and my mother is on my nerves, my father is in the hospital, and it is so difficult ,...
Jun 1, 2024
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es mi abuela lidia, encantado de la naturaleza.sde el cielo me sigue apoyando durante las horas de escuela, pero conocimos hace más de un año alfredo, como todo un activista en su escuela, luchando por cambios para que su plantel fuera más seguro. y hoy nos volvimos a encontrar para darnos la buena noticia. soñaste con ese momento? sí, me siento muy emocionado y también orgulloso. y es que no es de menos, ya que ese día se enteró que su sueño de niño se cumplió. le debía una llamada a mi familia que ya venía de la escuela rumbo a la casa y ahí abrimos la decisión y todos brincamos. empezamos a llorar y nos abrazamos. fue un momento muy especial con la familia. este joven con raíces mexicanas será el primero en su familia en ir a una universidad. especialmente a mis padres, verdad? viniendo a este país y tomando o deseando que el sueño americano y que si veía oportunidades que no podían recibir en su. en su país, en su país, de méxico, ahora sus 17 años, alfredo hernández logró en abril de este año que el concilio de san josé aproba
es mi abuela lidia, encantado de la naturaleza.sde el cielo me sigue apoyando durante las horas de escuela, pero conocimos hace más de un año alfredo, como todo un activista en su escuela, luchando por cambios para que su plantel fuera más seguro. y hoy nos volvimos a encontrar para darnos la buena noticia. soñaste con ese momento? sí, me siento muy emocionado y también orgulloso. y es que no es de menos, ya que ese día se enteró que su sueño de niño se cumplió. le debía una llamada...
Jun 30, 2024
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interesting person, my, it is my dream to talk with such a person, i i will explain why, the person's name is lidiar of political sciences, a professor, but also a master of psychology, they say that she will be, but not... right this second, a little later, but a little later, i am hopefully in half a minute a minute, but that's always pretty good news for me it was this morning, when i arrived, you explained to me who would be my guest, so i said to myself that now it is necessary, perhaps, to direct some political science faculties to political science faculties.
interesting person, my, it is my dream to talk with such a person, i i will explain why, the person's name is lidiar of political sciences, a professor, but also a master of psychology, they say that she will be, but not... right this second, a little later, but a little later, i am hopefully in half a minute a minute, but that's always pretty good news for me it was this morning, when i arrived, you explained to me who would be my guest, so i said to myself that now it is necessary, perhaps,...
Jun 12, 2024
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doesn't understand now what everyone has, he doesn't have a dad, the man had a beard, as his friend lidiaalls, his smile will be remembered. the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed outwardly, his kindness with... has always been the same as in childhood. was i had such a case, my father was in the hospital, yes, my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august and we had to dig up the garden, well, since we live in the village of shkarovka, and my mother is on my nerves, my father is in the hospital, and it was so hard, it was kind of scary, i was 17 years old there, i came up, i said, well, this guy is talking, talking, he says, why are you worried, i will help you, yes, and he helped me then, and it is so much for me remembered that he, what are you worried about, we will dig up your potatoes, everything will be fine, well, it was very memorable, and such there were many cases of support and understanding. soldier mykola shatniuk, posthumously awarded the order for courage of the third degree and is an honorary citizen of the bilotserki c
doesn't understand now what everyone has, he doesn't have a dad, the man had a beard, as his friend lidiaalls, his smile will be remembered. the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed outwardly, his kindness with... has always been the same as in childhood. was i had such a case, my father was in the hospital, yes, my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august and we had to dig up the garden, well, since we live in the village of shkarovka, and...
Jun 15, 2024
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understand what everyone has now, he doesn't have a dad, his husband had... callsign beard, as friend lidia recalls, his smile will be remembered. the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed externally, his kindness has always been the same as in childhood. i had such a case, my father was hospitalized, yes, my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august and we had to dig out city, well, since we live in the village of shkarovka, and my mother is on my nerves, my father is in the hospital, and it's so hard, it's kind of scary. it was, i was 17 years old there, i came up, i said, well, he tells stories, chats, he says: why are you worried, i will help you, yes, and he helped me then, and i remembered it so much that he , what are you worried about, we will dig up your potatoes, everything will be fine, well, it was very memorable, and there were many such cases regarding support, understanding, soldier mykola shatnyuk, posthumously awarded the order for courage of the third degree and... an honorary citizen of the belotserki community, these awa
understand what everyone has now, he doesn't have a dad, his husband had... callsign beard, as friend lidia recalls, his smile will be remembered. the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed externally, his kindness has always been the same as in childhood. i had such a case, my father was hospitalized, yes, my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august and we had to dig out city, well, since we live in the village of shkarovka, and my mother is...
Jun 14, 2024
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understand what everyone is doing now, he doesn't have a dad, the man had a callous beard, and as my friend lidiaalls, his smile will be remembered, the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed externally, his kindness is always was the same as in childhood, or in such a case, my father was hospitalized, and my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august and it was necessary to ... dig city, well, since we live in shkarovka in the village, and my mother is on my nerves, my father is in the hospital, and it was so difficult, somehow it was scary, i was 17 years old there, i came up, i said, well, this guy is talking, talking, he says, and why you are worried, i will help you, yes, and he helped me then, and i remembered it so much that he, what are you worried, let's dig up your potatoes, everything will be fine, well, it was very memorable, and such cases are very there was a lot about it. support, understanding. soldier mykola shatniuk, posthumously awarded the order for courage of the third degree and is an honorary citizen of the bilotserk communit
understand what everyone is doing now, he doesn't have a dad, the man had a callous beard, and as my friend lidiaalls, his smile will be remembered, the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed externally, his kindness is always was the same as in childhood, or in such a case, my father was hospitalized, and my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august and it was necessary to ... dig city, well, since we live in shkarovka in the village, and my...
Jun 14, 2024
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the man had a beard, and as lidia, an acquaintance, recalls, his smile will be remembered. the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed externally, his kindness has always been the same as in childhood. i had such a case, my father was in the hospital, yes, my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august, and we had to dig up the garden, well, since we live in shkarovka in the village, and my mother is on my nerves, my father is the hospital, and... it was so hard, it was somehow scary, i was 17 years old there, i came up, i said , well, he’s talking, talking, he says, why are you worried, i’ll help you, yes, and he helped me then, and i remember it so much that he, what are you worried about, we will dig up your potatoes, everything will be fine, well , it was very memorable, and there were a lot of such cases, regarding support, understanding, soldier mykola shatniuk, who was posthumously awarded the order of courage... of the third degree and is an honorary citizen of the bilotserk community, these awards are now almost the on
the man had a beard, and as lidia, an acquaintance, recalls, his smile will be remembered. the woman shows the graduation photo album and says that although he has changed externally, his kindness has always been the same as in childhood. i had such a case, my father was in the hospital, yes, my mother and i were alone, and it was the end of august, and we had to dig up the garden, well, since we live in shkarovka in the village, and my mother is on my nerves, my father is the hospital, and......
Jun 16, 2024
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doctor of the year of the republic of belarus in the general practitioner category is announced by lidiana kozlova, head of the therapeutic department of the lida central regional hospital health care institution. the next nomination is pediatrician. the winner of the competition, doctor of the year of the republic of belarus in the pediatrician category, is igor viktorovich. chick, pediatrician, deputy chief physician of a healthcare institution, minsk regional clinical hospital. the winner of the competition is the doctor of the year of the republic of belarus in the surgeon category. department of a state institution, republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery. nomination obstetrician-gynecologist. the winner of the competition is the doctor of the year of the republic of belarus in the category obstetrician-gynecologist. tatyana viktorovna yarutskaya. head of the department of pregnancy pathology , health care institution, mogilev city emergency hospital. dear recipient alexander valerievich, traditional memorial. photo of today's holiday, of course, thunderous
doctor of the year of the republic of belarus in the general practitioner category is announced by lidiana kozlova, head of the therapeutic department of the lida central regional hospital health care institution. the next nomination is pediatrician. the winner of the competition, doctor of the year of the republic of belarus in the pediatrician category, is igor viktorovich. chick, pediatrician, deputy chief physician of a healthcare institution, minsk regional clinical hospital. the winner of...
Jun 26, 2024
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lidia semyonovna leonova and chairs 93 of the year.’t expect it from myself, great, line, wow, great, i’m shocked, and this is already her darling yak-50, on which lidia semyonovna once began to plow the unbearded tula, she became so carried away. i walked 47 km in 14 hours, ask why, but i wanted to see how the new highway was being built, three drivers stopped to pick me up and take me to the yupatora, i... very good-naturedly, so i thanked him and said that i would go on foot, that’s more interesting to me , the walker can handle the road, especially when he has supplies of water and crackers in his backpack on his back, he made the first stop after 15 km, stretched his legs so as not to go numb, like this, where he will go to next time, anatoly mikhailovich has not yet come up with an idea, one thing he knows for sure, he will certainly not sit still. elena savina, natalya kravchenko, nazir nagumanov, anna gazhala, channel one. news from the fashion world: burgundy color is back in trend, and this applies not only to clothes, but al
lidia semyonovna leonova and chairs 93 of the year.’t expect it from myself, great, line, wow, great, i’m shocked, and this is already her darling yak-50, on which lidia semyonovna once began to plow the unbearded tula, she became so carried away. i walked 47 km in 14 hours, ask why, but i wanted to see how the new highway was being built, three drivers stopped to pick me up and take me to the yupatora, i... very good-naturedly, so i thanked him and said that i would go on foot, that’s...
Jun 20, 2024
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this, the main thing is to accurately get into the image of a good melody, hello, my name is natalya, lidial, granddaughter, natalya asked me to tell you , i want to tell you, you are proud of this grigorievna, i’m filming now, and here is your granddaughter, she’s wonderful, i wish you health, i wish you loved by your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, so that you live happily and long. hello to you. and applause for grandma, hello, grandmas, hello. how do you evaluate young artists? do you think they sing some kind of nonsense? i visit very rarely. in the jury, because it is very difficult to evaluate, i can see right away who three notes are enough for me, when a person has the ability and an understanding of whether he needs it or not, of course, there is a lot that i would, for example, uh, in my time would not have passed at all, now it is accepted, very well written this is a wonderful actor, gaft, he talks about the time that... now it is the pope who is crushing our souls with shropnel, she cannot be brought to justice for this, part of the generation grew up on nonsense
this, the main thing is to accurately get into the image of a good melody, hello, my name is natalya, lidial, granddaughter, natalya asked me to tell you , i want to tell you, you are proud of this grigorievna, i’m filming now, and here is your granddaughter, she’s wonderful, i wish you health, i wish you loved by your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, so that you live happily and long. hello to you. and applause for grandma, hello, grandmas, hello. how do you evaluate young...
Jun 25, 2024
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assessors kazina, zinda yakovlevna, rakhlevsky, lev andreevich, with the participation of prosecutor lidiate defendant stand up, name correctly, birth, nationality, married status, are there any children, do you have a criminal record under what articles? kritov, timofey danilovich, born on february 7, 1910 in tambov, russian, divorced, childless, criminal record, don’t remember the article, punched one officer in the face, defendant, do you think? i’m guilty, i killed this bastard and i don’t repent, so write it down, comrade judge, it’s easy to invest with sberbank, you’ll get three. sberbank share as a gift when opening your first brokerage deposit account, the best percentage in the sberbank online application great, hello igor matveevich, colonel verisov asked me to come straight from the ship to the ball, well, let's go. comrade colonel tobulin, let him come in, i wish you good health, ignatsievich, sit down, his, yours. they found a corpse on the spot, they were curious about the dead siltsy, where did they find it? at the rimzavod in the hold decommissioned ship, you want to say, i
assessors kazina, zinda yakovlevna, rakhlevsky, lev andreevich, with the participation of prosecutor lidiate defendant stand up, name correctly, birth, nationality, married status, are there any children, do you have a criminal record under what articles? kritov, timofey danilovich, born on february 7, 1910 in tambov, russian, divorced, childless, criminal record, don’t remember the article, punched one officer in the face, defendant, do you think? i’m guilty, i killed this bastard and i...
Jun 2, 2024
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. >> y esta noche esta con no nosotros vivir, que gusto con nosotros lidia. >> que gusto conocerte. >>> yo considero que se puede justicia siempre y cuando se quiera y se busque. >> ¿sabes? >> creo que es un tema que urge demasiado en la agenda del estado. >> entonces yo realmente le debe mucha justicia a muchas mujeres de este pais no nada mas a las mujeres que se puede y se busque. >> urge agenda del realmente mujeres de este pais en este pais, ellas dias, o sea, obtener justicia, creo que en mexico, el acceso a la urge agenda del realmente considero que se pais mexico va a tener una pre presidenta, es como los grandes contrastes por un lado la v violencia contra las mujeres por otro las mujeres en el poder. >> ¿cambiaran las cosas con una presidenta presidenta. >> yo espero y tengo la e esperanza que si. >> cuando yo era nina no tenia ese referente de ¿puedo yo l llegar? >> entonces ahora creo que es un mensaje muy grande y muy fuerte que podamos tener a una mujer en el poder. >> que este el poder no si significa que las mujeres v vayamos a ser la prioridad, ¿no? >> o sea, hay que
. >> y esta noche esta con no nosotros vivir, que gusto con nosotros lidia. >> que gusto conocerte. >>> yo considero que se puede justicia siempre y cuando se quiera y se busque. >> ¿sabes? >> creo que es un tema que urge demasiado en la agenda del estado. >> entonces yo realmente le debe mucha justicia a muchas mujeres de este pais no nada mas a las mujeres que se puede y se busque. >> urge agenda del realmente mujeres de este pais en este pais,...
Jun 16, 2024
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lidia alexandrovna is just such a unique patient. later, to see other doctors, already at the district clinic, and then after reading on the internet, that i found out: an operation done like this, off the top of my head, and because of this it seemed ordinary, turned out to be extremely rare. popliteal aneurysm, remote lydia alexandrovna was the largest of all those diagnosed in russia. successful operations to remove these all over the world. i can count it on the fingers of one hand, only one such operation is described on the internet, but there are more, everything, everything, it seems like this. what is more valuable is that at their golden wedding, which this married couple will celebrate very soon, they will be able to dance to their heart’s content, without even thinking about what it is, but neuroism. we will explain that this is a critical expansion of the vessel or even the aorta. the walls become thinner, blood clots inside them can completely block the blood flow at any moment, and then a rupture occurs. if in the case
lidia alexandrovna is just such a unique patient. later, to see other doctors, already at the district clinic, and then after reading on the internet, that i found out: an operation done like this, off the top of my head, and because of this it seemed ordinary, turned out to be extremely rare. popliteal aneurysm, remote lydia alexandrovna was the largest of all those diagnosed in russia. successful operations to remove these all over the world. i can count it on the fingers of one hand, only...
Jun 14, 2024
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let's see, i, svetlana mikhailovna malakhova, my mother, malakhova, lidia ivanovna, gave birth to me. took me, but i remember that i looked out the window every day, was bored, asked teacher, where is my mother, because it was in my memory that... she took me home, and every evening i thought where my relatives could be, why they left me, what i did that i was left alone, i don’t have there was no support, neither mother nor dad, i don’t have any close people at all, i suffered until i was 32, worked for... then i went to moscow to the market and saw my husband vugar, he was selling vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, he was also deaf and couldn’t hear, and we fell in love. or go for a walk, go on a date, then i gave birth to my daughter, olya, whom i love very much, she always told me, olya, i say, here you are, well , i gave birth to you, i didn’t leave you in an orphanage, what they did to me, she says: i didn’t, i didn’t do that to you, i ’m raising you as best i can, so she always wanted me to... somehow achieve something there some kind of success, so that everything would be fine
let's see, i, svetlana mikhailovna malakhova, my mother, malakhova, lidia ivanovna, gave birth to me. took me, but i remember that i looked out the window every day, was bored, asked teacher, where is my mother, because it was in my memory that... she took me home, and every evening i thought where my relatives could be, why they left me, what i did that i was left alone, i don’t have there was no support, neither mother nor dad, i don’t have any close people at all, i suffered until i was...
Jun 29, 2024
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on it, lidia semyonovna once began to surf the sky of her native tula, and became so carried away thatfly zoya petrovna vakhrusheva from the village of gazhnya in udmurtia compared to lydia leonova, a girl, she is 75 years old, recently became interested in armwrestling, already so i pumped up my arms, which sometimes makes my grandchildren feel better, well, this is necessary for health, so that they don’t stand, so that they are cheerful, so that we also love our old people, so that they don’t turn sour. zoya petrovna also encouraged her friends to take up her hobby. every morning they warm up in the fresh air, jumping rope. dumbbells are being pulled, but yes, i’ll try, trouble! crimean anatoly mikhailovich pavlechuk, he is 71 years old, cannot sit still for a minute, but only according to his passport. i feel, i'm 36, 37, 42, it's already, it won't be right, you know how i feel feeling completely young. recently, anatoly mikhailovich made a forced march from his village of mezhvodnoye, and in patoria. i walked 47 km in 14 hours, ask why? did you want to? to see how the new track wa
on it, lidia semyonovna once began to surf the sky of her native tula, and became so carried away thatfly zoya petrovna vakhrusheva from the village of gazhnya in udmurtia compared to lydia leonova, a girl, she is 75 years old, recently became interested in armwrestling, already so i pumped up my arms, which sometimes makes my grandchildren feel better, well, this is necessary for health, so that they don’t stand, so that they are cheerful, so that we also love our old people, so that they...
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way out from anywhere, from everywhere, you knew what kind of relationship she had with her mother, lidiaexey finished his studies, it’s impossible, you knew that katya was pregnant, you knew, lesh said, no, they’ll tell us that. thank you, but how long can he stay in the forest like this, as i understand it, it’s been four days since he left, he can stay in the forest for a long time, even until it gets cold, i’ll teach him everything. well, i don’t know , there’s food there, you can wash your clothes, wash your face, take on mascara , there’s a lot of food in the forest, take a gun with you, soon there will be mushrooms, berries, you can wash your clothes in the river, yeah, i see. well, you can at least guess where he might be, the forest big, who else did lesha bring there, the district police officer, yeah, you want to participate in cool tournaments yourself, the betting league app. compete with other players, complete daily tasks, get prizes, go green and get 2.222 from the betting league, get a loan in sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also get a monthly cash
way out from anywhere, from everywhere, you knew what kind of relationship she had with her mother, lidiaexey finished his studies, it’s impossible, you knew that katya was pregnant, you knew, lesh said, no, they’ll tell us that. thank you, but how long can he stay in the forest like this, as i understand it, it’s been four days since he left, he can stay in the forest for a long time, even until it gets cold, i’ll teach him everything. well, i don’t know , there’s food there, you...
Jun 4, 2024
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about a human. who said that life must be invented, lidia alyoshina will tell.ctions, manuscripts of poems, photographs, music editions, unique sound recordings from different years, there are three recordings on this record. he was the author, performer and composer of his songs, but the main thing in all this is that he was a poet, and you know, the soul of a poet, it is a little different, apparently, it hears some other sounds. in this photo, vertinsky in uniform of a military nurse. after the outbreak of the first world war, he volunteered to go to the front, was a nurse, was wounded, returned to the cinema, performed on variety, i was more than a poet, more than an actor, i walked the difficult road of innovation, creating my own genre, - vertinsky said, among the images he created was the famous pierrot. he himself writes that he needed this mask so that, because he was embarrassed in front of the public, he was a young artist. stood on stage for the first time. vertinsky's personal belongings, travel chest, hat box, he toured with them, from his wardrobe
about a human. who said that life must be invented, lidia alyoshina will tell.ctions, manuscripts of poems, photographs, music editions, unique sound recordings from different years, there are three recordings on this record. he was the author, performer and composer of his songs, but the main thing in all this is that he was a poet, and you know, the soul of a poet, it is a little different, apparently, it hears some other sounds. in this photo, vertinsky in uniform of a military nurse. after...
Jun 29, 2024
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but one of your colleagues in the paper today, lidia poll green roads writes that kamala harris could win this election. let her do you think she can win i don't know. >> i think though that is she may well be a stronger candidate than then joe biden, but i think if we have if president biden steps down, withdraws from the race, then i think we should make sure we get the very, very strongest candidate. we can possibly get and i don't think it should be just a matter of fact that the vice president gets that i tend to think that michigan is a critical state for democrats to win. and so for that reason, i tend to think that gretchen whitmer it was notable. i mean, you didn't name she's the vice president. you didn't name her in your piece. i mean why simply because the polling on her has been it's been improving, but it has not been it does not been fantastic. >> and what seems to me most important is that she has that the nominee actually he wins the race. now, it may well be that the vice president harris is the one who can rally people behind her and good when but i don't think that
but one of your colleagues in the paper today, lidia poll green roads writes that kamala harris could win this election. let her do you think she can win i don't know. >> i think though that is she may well be a stronger candidate than then joe biden, but i think if we have if president biden steps down, withdraws from the race, then i think we should make sure we get the very, very strongest candidate. we can possibly get and i don't think it should be just a matter of fact that the vice...
Jun 26, 2024
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lidia: ahogados en llanto terminaron familiares de jocelyn. cÓmo huir de la ciudad. varios testigos ayudan a las autoridades. aunque el caso aparentemente no califica para pedir la pena de muerte, de comprobarse que la menor fue violada esto podrÍa cambiar. satcha: a sÓlo ocho dÍas para la celebraciÓn de la independencia autoridades en california incautan miles de libras de fuegos artificiales y legales. se trata de la redada mÁs grande en su tipo que llevan a cabo en el estado dorado. en vivo, con carlos gonzÁlez tiene nuevos detalles y consejos para quienes utilizan esto fuegos artificiales. juan carlos, buenos dÍas. juan carlos: buenos dÍas. es que precisamente el departamento de la policÍa fue que liderÓ esta bÚsqueda y encontraron precisamente 75 t de fuego pirotÉcnico ademÁs de explosiones en una bodega muy cerca de aquÍ. esta tiene un valor, dicen autoridades, hasta $10,000,000. alguno de eso fuegos pirotÉcnicos mide aproximadamente ocho pulgadas de diÁmetro. mÁs o menos lo que me dirÍa una bola de boliche. tambiÉn fueron decomisado 200
lidia: ahogados en llanto terminaron familiares de jocelyn. cÓmo huir de la ciudad. varios testigos ayudan a las autoridades. aunque el caso aparentemente no califica para pedir la pena de muerte, de comprobarse que la menor fue violada esto podrÍa cambiar. satcha: a sÓlo ocho dÍas para la celebraciÓn de la independencia autoridades en california incautan miles de libras de fuegos artificiales y legales. se trata de la redada mÁs grande en su tipo que llevan a cabo en el estado dorado. en...
Jun 15, 2024
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the flower that maxim gave to his mother before leaving, all these years the dracaena only grew and lidiawas alive, she believed, she knew, she was waiting. it was a long-time dream for everyone to gather at one table with the whole family; in order to make it come true, maxim likhachov has come a difficult way, emotions are overwhelming, guys, they are overwhelming, all for the sake of shovi, yes, as at home. in mid-may, a soldier of the fifty-ninth brigade of the ukrainian army stole a t-64 tank and crossed the front line, driving to the positions of russian troops; the escape was carefully planned by the special services. russia, i’ve already been to the next world, if honestly, i thought so, i thought nothing would work out at all, but it did, i’m very happy about it, like many, he was taken by force into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, at the beginning of the special operation svatovo was under the control of the kiev regime, maxim likhachev waited out the fighting in poland , on business i returned to kiev, there they handed him a summons, they simply scooped me up and too
the flower that maxim gave to his mother before leaving, all these years the dracaena only grew and lidiawas alive, she believed, she knew, she was waiting. it was a long-time dream for everyone to gather at one table with the whole family; in order to make it come true, maxim likhachov has come a difficult way, emotions are overwhelming, guys, they are overwhelming, all for the sake of shovi, yes, as at home. in mid-may, a soldier of the fifty-ninth brigade of the ukrainian army stole a t-64...
Jun 14, 2024
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i won’t even say how much on average, so to speak, the heirs receive per month, and then my mother lidianey, this is his legacy, it should be shared equally, equally, you know, but our attempts to negotiate peacefully with masha met with a completely absolutely closed wall, such a cold wall, there is nothing , she peacefully, well, literally one of these days there will be an attempt, because the judge, an amazing person, the judge, the wisest one said at the meeting: she said something there, all one side, our side, we seem to have claims to each other, she said: yes, despite everything, you are still a family, she is the one to the defendant, that is, two sisters, you know, they are going to court with each other, that ’s why we tried to get through to each other, indeed, we they tried, but no, no, masha is not ready and doesn’t want to, so i can say i’m unhappy with this, because masha was at the trial, no, no, no. was her representative, she’s not, she’s not, unfortunately, no, lady nikolaevna, well, just trying to understand why you did that then, masha is somehow there, well, she’s
i won’t even say how much on average, so to speak, the heirs receive per month, and then my mother lidianey, this is his legacy, it should be shared equally, equally, you know, but our attempts to negotiate peacefully with masha met with a completely absolutely closed wall, such a cold wall, there is nothing , she peacefully, well, literally one of these days there will be an attempt, because the judge, an amazing person, the judge, the wisest one said at the meeting: she said something...
Jun 13, 2024
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lidia nikolaevna, why did you do that? honestly, i don’t remember, i don’t know.ically knock on her door, her heart. masha holds some kind of grudge. what happened, how it happened, they loved each other so much, neither one nor the other goes to meet. i’m so ashamed in front of him, in front of his memory, i say, i imagine him all the time, he would have been the three of us like this. i lined it up with me, i would take off this strap, and so nicely, one, two, three, girls, are you crazy, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, floating on the waves, designers turn old cars into new modern electric boats, looks like a car, handles like a car, but at the same time goes through the water like a boat, such a reconstruction is called retrofloating, and only the salon body is preserved for the family, it is installed either on a catamaran, or a hydrofoil boat , equipped with a powerful electric motor, but by the way, the speed is quite decent up to 100 km/h, beauty, is it even the time for convertibles anymore, you drive yourself and admire the scene
lidia nikolaevna, why did you do that? honestly, i don’t remember, i don’t know.ically knock on her door, her heart. masha holds some kind of grudge. what happened, how it happened, they loved each other so much, neither one nor the other goes to meet. i’m so ashamed in front of him, in front of his memory, i say, i imagine him all the time, he would have been the three of us like this. i lined it up with me, i would take off this strap, and so nicely, one, two, three, girls, are you...
Jun 25, 2024
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wish i could tell them to hug and kiss said thank you, donetsk grandfather gives you a big, big hello, lidiae, happiness, health, that you lived longer and made your children and grandchildren happy. i am very, very grateful to you, low bow to you, my golden ones, low bow, but our golden ones, you are with these people. you know, no, you want to meet those who are you helping? well, that would be ideal, yes. one of those who wants to say thank you came to our court. wow. olga from mariupol. oh, olga, please come in. hello. hello. hello hello. hello. sit down for a while. yes, thank you very much, in our studio there is a pensioner from mariupol, olga gomolya, hello, olga, hello, olga, hello, tell us about yourself, i live in mariupol, it so happened that trouble overtook us too, thank you for helping us financially with food , here are the cookies, sweets, zamuku, thank you very much, i made buns, and we have self-satisfaction there too. flatbreads, buns, here is stove heating, it’s cold, but i had firewood, my son was still alive then, well, it so happened that the war took my son, put a bi
wish i could tell them to hug and kiss said thank you, donetsk grandfather gives you a big, big hello, lidiae, happiness, health, that you lived longer and made your children and grandchildren happy. i am very, very grateful to you, low bow to you, my golden ones, low bow, but our golden ones, you are with these people. you know, no, you want to meet those who are you helping? well, that would be ideal, yes. one of those who wants to say thank you came to our court. wow. olga from mariupol. oh,...
Jun 14, 2024
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i won’t even say how much on average, so to speak, the heirs receive per month, and then my mother lidianeed anything, here it is for me i like it, thinking about how to make money, i don’t, i just think about feeding my family, so that they are clean, pretty, smart, this is it, this was it, no, well, it’s so unfair, it was unfair to hand over, and i say, this is to my mother, now i say openly, it’s unfair, this is money. this is his legacy, it should be shared equally, equally, you understand, but our attempts to negotiate peacefully with masha were met with a completely completely closed wall, such a cold wall, no, nothing, she peacefully, well, literally one of these days there will be an attempt, because the judge, an amazing person, the judge, the wisest one said at the meeting, she said something there, one side, our side, we seem to have claims to each other, she... she said, yes, no matter what, you are still a family, she is the one who goes to the defendant, that is, two sisters, you know, they are going to court with each other, that ’s why we, we tried to get through, indeed,
i won’t even say how much on average, so to speak, the heirs receive per month, and then my mother lidianeed anything, here it is for me i like it, thinking about how to make money, i don’t, i just think about feeding my family, so that they are clean, pretty, smart, this is it, this was it, no, well, it’s so unfair, it was unfair to hand over, and i say, this is to my mother, now i say openly, it’s unfair, this is money. this is his legacy, it should be shared equally, equally, you...
Jun 28, 2024
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mÁs adelante desde cap cana luis miguel mickey lidia karl llega a la —— y miguel llega a espaÑa y teisbol ustedes saben que es el deporte nacional de mi tierra y se ha convertido en una factorÍa de talentos peloteros. raÚl: fuimos a la academia de los mets donde jÓvenes jugadores fabrican sus sueÑos. fran: indira navarro tiene todos los detalles. indira: asÍ es mÁs de 900 dominicanos han hecho realidad su sueÑo de llegar a las grandes ligas. en la academia de los mets han sido parte de ese Éxito. emocionados hasta las lÁgrimas estos padres celebran la entrada de su hijo a los mets de nueva york. >> tengo la mente positiva que lo iba a lograr. indira: luis cabrera es un joven dominicano escasos recursos y su madre trabaja limpiando casas y su padre vende agua en las calles. la firma de un contrato lo convierten esperanza de esta familia para cambiar sus condiciones de vida. >> estoy orgulloso de mi mismo. >> gracias a dios. indira: igual de feliz se sienten omar meza mexicano que abandonÓ su hogar en baja california para perseguir sus sueÑos en repÚblica dominicana. omar: todo peloter
mÁs adelante desde cap cana luis miguel mickey lidia karl llega a la —— y miguel llega a espaÑa y teisbol ustedes saben que es el deporte nacional de mi tierra y se ha convertido en una factorÍa de talentos peloteros. raÚl: fuimos a la academia de los mets donde jÓvenes jugadores fabrican sus sueÑos. fran: indira navarro tiene todos los detalles. indira: asÍ es mÁs de 900 dominicanos han hecho realidad su sueÑo de llegar a las grandes ligas. en la academia de los mets han sido...