you know, this is lukyan ermilovich, tell me, how are you living, lukyan ermilovich, i’m doing well,t interesting things are happening in your life, that the vaccine is moving forward, i’m powerful, what? they support me, okay, besides the vaccine we’re just talking about life, tell us what’s good about you, lukyana ermilovich, i don’t know, i’m just living, oh, you know, i want to say that when i was filming this for a health program i met lukyan ermilovich , he cried when he was given the vaccine, and then stopped, and it was just a great joy, this is lukyalovich, who lives, the vaccine is administered to him. and a full life surrounds me, which i am very happy about, and it’s all thanks to you, holy doctor, to alukyan ermilovich, we also decided to give a gift to make his life a little easier, a gift for lukyan germilovich to the studio, how do you like a hefty car, cool. guests, we want to conduct a hearing test, now a video will appear on the screen, there will be years of life on it, and you will hear the sound, as soon as you stop hearing the sound, that’s how old you are, wel