agencies aasis at the school will be in the microdistrict of lushytsya, and there the physical culture and leisure complex will be established on the 1st day. already after a year of work, large-scale work is underway. hundreds of people work here, and in the early stages there will be more specialists. innards three swimming pools are installed, 25-meter ones, others for learning swimming, the smallest ones for children and four children. for special procedures, the following rooms are arranged: saunas, hammam, saloons and fonts. taxama gymnasium, physical and functional sports hall, pradugladzhana bezbar'ernae asyaroddze, adkryts complex planuytsya da kantsa goda. done. we plan to explore the streets of kazimiravskaya, as well as the taxis in leskaivtsi and krupki, and for the winter ski resort in barysava, a ski roller track is planned. sabrats all villages, dabegchy yes, this is the end, silichah has a priority bezonrace. hundreds of chalaveks and dzetsi, tall ones, took to the track. men and women walked a distance of 12 kilometers, they had 50 feather codes, pink warehouses, plus