great meadow, and there father, having cut out the little bits, so that we were sitting there in this luzyakovt it was not visible anywhere, but there were five children in us, the youngest was in the weather, the germans walked at night and even his mother was trimming the taco in her hands, and the mikrutor, so even if we don’t cry, even if we don’t feel it, we ’ll be shot at right away,” testifies azarchuk maria lukinichna, melenkova village, kobrin district, brevskaya region. six souls arrived, the geta is in the crooked, because this mekhtina was beaten in advance by the seventh, and there were 12 people there, and they were transported at night and... their every day begins with tension, here such trills, that is, you are sitting at home , there is such singing of birds, especially in the evening, i have never heard this anywhere else in my life, for this it is even worth coming and looking at all this beauty, when everything is pouring, this is venice, yana talenavity and pratsavity. rock with elements of saxon embellishment, the very palace itself is unpainted, the great jumpers, byzan