industry and trade of south khorasan said: in the 9 months of this year, 1 million 25 thousand tons of cement were produced in the province, which is compared to the same period last year. it shows an increase in production. according to mr. ariafar, since the beginning of the year, 50% of the produced cement equivalent to 523 thousand tons of sivan worth 430 billion tomans has been exported to afghanistan. acting governor of taibad said more than 30 per year the type of crop and the remaining 25 types of crops are produced in this border region. according to shirdel, some of these productions. every year, two laws are exported from the border to afghanistan, which can provide more opportunities for exports to this country by using the investment capacity of the private sector. the border of do gharon is the most important economic center in the east of the country. more than one million tons of goods are exported to afghanistan from this customs every year. the head of the national migration organization said: the purpose of the implementation of atab's financial resources and inve