a bad father is a bad husband, because madina, you went everywhere, then you had one boyfriend, thenyourself, what kind of young man you kissed, i actually didn’t kiss, i didn’t kiss him, but we just stood there talking, and i i didn’t see her, she even spent the night with him once, she left in the evening, she says: i’ll go for a walk, literally there on the bay, she says, well, in an hour, i’ll be back, in the end she told me wrote at 7:00 in the morning, i said, i’m going home, and then i find out that he spent the night with me, i didn’t spend the night there, in fact, i spent the night with a friend. that's it, you had all the correspondence marina, i saw all the correspondence marina, no need, but what was in these correspondences? the fact that before she came home, she wrote to him and said, if anything happens, you didn’t have me , don’t say that, but i didn’t, it wasn’t like that, you, marina, still could afford not to be at home at night, having three children, not three children, when... we lived in murmonsk, we had two children, and that is, it’s normal to leave two chi