paris, paris, sister henrietta, take better care of malak. help your sister.tivities, there are no activities, are more important than love, the gentle sound of the surf, and the moon and the golden boat. and music, roses, evening, sea, just you and me, and if we get bored, we will conquer the parikh, because you are a poet and musician at heart, thank you, and you were born for the stage, and i was created for the stage, and you are endlessly in love with me. oh god, i agree to everything, our life will be wonderful, a fabulous dream. who is this? mr. selistan, what's wrong with you? lord, give me strength, how are you already? explain to me what's the matter? i 'll explain everything to you now. mother, my child, how did this all happen? i am completely sure that it is from my parents. explain to me what's the matter? it’s very simple, mother, i never left. how? i very cunningly found out the way from mr. celisten, why did he take me? and he confessed to me. he admitted to me that all this was started in order to get me married. and here i am, here we are, r