the latest tracks on it turned out to be the song by eduard khank on the top of anatoly papyarechnag, malinaukakova. pink hour for me to go, how dear is the land, birch in the crimson dawn, how dear is the land, birch, in the crimson dawn, there was a synthesizer, in my opinion, it was a synthesizer, it was called a minimuk, so i started looking for some sounds there, while i was spinning. the synthesizer just whistled, i still remember, i thought, okay, it’s going to be boastful, so we whistled this intro on the synthesizer, well, that’s how it went, and then we came up with a whistle there. a whistle that fills with water, they gave me this whistle, we were still painting ourselves with leningrad mascara, which if it gets into the eye, then that’s it, the spray was flying, i was crying all the time from this mascara, we decided to give this whistle to yada, because yada has glasses, there is protection, that’s when we we starred at the morning post with this song, and then went on tour, in the hotel at night we hear people walking down the street singing robin, it’s amazing. "it was aired onc