single person not... the local vertical has been updated, so there are new leaders in the baranovichi, maloritskyny districts. a rotation has occurred among the capital’s managers; their priority is working with personnel, preparing for the electoral campaigns and the upcoming hot harvest season. all decisions that are made locally must be primarily in the interests of the people and the country. you, the presidents on your territory, you must organize the process. you must monitor all processes, starting from human rights, we do not have any obbudsmen, the president and you, my people on the ground, are involved in human rights, we should not create unnecessary tension in society, but there should not be freemen in violation of the laws, so look who you're with you will work from all your departments, culture, department of public education, economics, industry, agriculture, management and so on, some of you worked in these positions, from these to your deputies, but as i always say, a chance must be given everyone, well, we have clearly already entered the electoral period, the chairman of the