marudzitsa with the release of technology did not fall into disarray. dzyakuyuchy to the issued courtyard, lucerna grazed for a thousand days before the end of the year. the grass has reached the butanization phase, the beginning of the butanization phase. the gaspadarians are guarded by the bastards, they mow the grass for a day in the fall and only then arrive at the land. mechanizator yaugen karenka on narykhtovtsy grass is already 12th season, you have a lot of deposits, as far as hutka i jakasna budza zabrany zyalena ўradzhai. the main thing is to drive smoothly with the harvester on time. the diversity of the pocket base is the key to paspyahovaya zhyvelagadouli, upeўenen ў gaspadars, and there dachshunds pass dried grass and praspres. acres of siliceous trenches, green feed are loosened in ash and film, you can get the same amount in a year. the karyst hell is the stern significant, the living ones are less ill and the worst ones are gaining weight, and the small ones are of extra class. haylage is being laid, high-quality feed that is rich in ma