. >>> joining us for more on the markets and the third quarter ahead, megan horneman, verdance capital to people that do this for a living, megan. 14, 15% in the first half after 24% in the s&p last year. those are pretty good numbers. i mean, no one ever went broke taking a profit, did they? >> no. i think that right now, the market's sit tting at this reco high and it's a little bit concerning to me that they're not looking at any of the downside risks we may see. the market is focusing on upside risks and what they want to see, which is that the fed is going to come in and can cut interest rates in september. i don't think that's something that we should bank on at this point. the fed's made it very clear, they don't have to be quick to cut interest rates, and then i think from an economic standpoint, we saw it with some of the data today, and we are starting to see weakness in the labor market. that was one of the last dominos that were standing from an economic standpoint. >> is there just so much -- trillions and trillions on the sideline that people have not deployed because the