agricultural institute , nadezhda sergeevna, now a young man has come to her, but... there are questions, sometimes, the higher the standard becomes, the more questions from people, but yes they are, but they have different questions today they ask, there, if we don’t decide something ourselves, we run to the governor, he helps, yes, so in this regard, how we work, look today, even the same business, here we are working with business, today according to the crs system, krst integrated development of agricultural areas, they participate in these programs, but besides these programs, they have recently become much more socially oriented, children participate in the life of the region in sports and in education. and here are the grants , well, and the most important thing is that at least they hear us, and what is our motto there, that ’s how, first of all, how they treat the people who live there on the territory, yes, now it’s snowing , well, it’s hard, yes , especially those who are involved in the livestock business, they cleaned it up before everyone else, therefore, a huge thank you t