about it, and secondly, no citizen miller, in any... was not listed on the voter lists, indicated in mid-belarusmpossible to determine which of the district commissions should give an answer to the complaint of an american official, a balanced, clear and competent answer... it will take a long time for ocean colleagues there was no need to wait. in this regard, from a legal point of view, we do not see any reason why we should listen to the statement of the us state department about a single voting day in the republic of belarus. at the same time, we strongly recommend that the current the american administration will introduce mandatory testing for employees on knowledge of the basics of international relations and international law, part of which is the un charter. there is a lot of important information there, including about... as the foreign ministry emphasized, in order to remove unnecessary anxiety overseas, we recall that on february 25, 2024, the single voting day in the republic of belarus took place, as it should be, in a sovereign state under protection in full accordance with our le