mikhail soltukov chidrin.rom saltuk chidrin from a native family, as far as i know, and it is quite possible that he could have been a vice-governor. the correct answer to our question is option c. the author of this work is leonid daineka. ksenya? i remember for sure that option b is between prince vyashka. watched, no, i'm afraid, we remember the school program together with the project participants, i and horror films, maybe you know them too, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, i don’t know how to cook, i hate doing laundry, dishes, but most importantly, mitka , i'm incredibly amorous, a boy did this to me today, he was so tall, he had huge strong hands, eyes like a deer, i , you know, that i... she will like your task, it will not be easy, but you have dignity. i believe that the only relatives we have are those who are close in class. my father, he was not a stranger, i don’t want to have a father like that. i want to say that elsa brought ruska, she is now cleaning up with us. but the worst thing is tha