mikolaevich sakrovaltsevich, he is a well-known specialist in the academy of sciences, specifically on... the ruz age , he came here, to this place, i brought him to this island, he made a pit, we laid a pit according to all the laws of archeology, and were slightly amazed, from one pit, meter by meter, the result was a whole package of artifacts, materials, which he then studied for about six months, after which he organized real excavations, here... archaeologists came, i was responsible, responsible for volunteers, collected volunteers, participating in excavations as a volunteer, i took my son with me, last year, the year before last we were digging - even i have a wife and daughter, how did i, uh, find this bronze age site, about the face, if you look here, those same... molehills, where the mole is dug up the ground, right here now in these molehills, an experienced eye, i’m not afraid of this word, can determine, here is ceramics, a piece, here is a piece of ceramics again, here are flint flakes, here, let’s say, on this piece you can clearly see, here are traces of an orna.