winter aquatic organizations of the minsk arganization of dtsa. for the children of the orphans, the sections of the underwater swimming pool hovered at the bottom of the pool. dzed maroz and cossack characters in kassumah and all the necessary diving-abstallation loaded onto the rock of the jumping tree and the vadzilla of the caragoda tree. the main thing for the new year is for each child to wear his or her own new year's costume, this is our main thing rule, the second rule , there must be a christmas tree, all the equipment is assembled and we conduct the entire lesson under water, we have a new year’s round dance, we lead it around the christmas tree , we call the snow maiden, we hand over gifts, all under water, then accordingly with what enthusiasm the children watched, how held this event, they are very pleased that the celebration continues. year. pratsyagvaetstsa i aktsyya hell of all souls. this time round, the route is right valancer's good brother's and the minsk boarding house for pensioners and disabled people. for scenes of people