mohammad rasool nazafati, the executive director of ardonan's subsidy smart plan, and also mr.ammad soleimani, the head of the sengaki namavayan union, who are present in our studio, mr. nazafati, god be with you first. regarding the news that i announced at the beginning of the program , the intelligent explanation of yeast, please explain so that i can answer other questions in the name of allah , the most merciful. based on the mechanisms that existed in the process of explaining the fish paste, it was being explained in the country, but after the smart plan, we saw disturbances in the yeast market. ingredients for our dear bakers it was limited, which means that all our dear bakers do not have access to the amount they need, and if they do get access on a case-by-case basis, then at non-reimbursed prices, higher than the rate charged in the smart plan, which is the logic of allocating subsidized flour to your presence. the baking unit was based on performance. in this system, because the consumption of yeast is also a percentage of the amount of flour, that is, our dear bak