earlier we spoke to our correspondent mooti abu musap in gaza, he said israel is killing people who look for food, shelter and medicine all across gaza. the latest israeli attack actually targeted a group of the palestina civilians who were waiting for the convoys of the humanitarian relief heading to gaza city. thousands of the palestinian civilians were reporttedly killed and injured. it's not worthy that this is not the first time the israeli occupation forces targeted target the palestinian people waiting for the humanitarian aid heading to gaza city in a way uh that prevents the palestinian people to get any real access to the basic humanitarian needs in this in the meantime the israeli occupation forces also maintain their attacks against uh sheikh ridwan neighborhood in the same city in gaza city where. "another group of the palestinian civilians was targeted uh using the israeli fighter drones uh near a sheik ruani clinic they were gathering in order to get the needed medical care the israeli incubation forces started them and killed many and killed and injured many of them while