mostafa mohebi khabari , the minister of science, research and technology announced special arrangements for students and professors in the seventh program on the eve of student day. mr. zulfi gol listed the financial support for master theses and problem-oriented doctorates among these measures. i am talking directly with mr. minister . he appeared to all the people. give your order or your request. we would like to tell you that it is about university centers. having about 100 students , i would like to tell you that about 500 people are studying in universities. scientific, applied , free, non-profit, after payam noor, none of these are available, i am writing to do a review. mr. zulfi gol , on the sidelines of answering all the people's questions, had a good news for the students, the minister of science said that in the seventh plan, special decrees were approved for the ministry of science. there have been 15 credits for research and 5 the percentage of the total credit of the university should be considered for cultural affairs, that is, from this year onwards , special credits ar