bari. we are in a state of existential threat and existential opportunity, which means that we can reach a situation where significant changes will be made in solving the country's problems. in the next 5-6 years, we can also be in a situation where serious crises for even for example may the land of our country be created, we are really in this duality. here, in my opinion, the senses should understand that finally the talkers who, for example , have become accustomed to it in the last 20 years and 30 years , for example, even define their own identity , put aside their own identity for to consider the progress of this country means to say, sir, i even object to this part, i even disagree with this part, i want to change even this part. but due to the understanding that these threats and existential threats exist for the country , i will pass this right, so that the country can pass this stage. now they are complaining , it will definitely be better fulfilled than an atmosphere that we hav