in... they know about it, here he is, the agent insider publishes an interview, calling wild geese nadimze and lasha chigladze were volunteers and activists, these are the usual tricks of the pro-western press, and these characters were summoned for questioning by the georgian security service. chigladzy has already been questioned in the tbilisian city court, khmaladzi is awaiting such questioning, and given how these supposed volunteers are fighting in ukraine, the bounty hunters are facing criminal cases. even articles known about coup d'état and terrorism. they have the blood of civilians on their hands . our soldiers in the northern military district zone, terrorist commander mamulashvili, who was put on the wanted list, was not excludes that someone will be extradited to russia after the autumn elections to the georgian parliament, who ordered the assassination attempts on... the dnieper to improve control over the area. details in the special report of our war correspondent, alexander rogatkin. in the kherson region, the ukrainian army continues to burn forests along the dnieper.