southeast of herat, they gave away maro balochistan , and not only in the northwest of tafris, they gave naqjawan and darband, but they destroyed the cultural and civilizational heritage of thousands of years of their ancestors. in the pahlavi period of this situation. it hasn't changed for a while , we had a law in reza shah's time that foreigners who came to dig 49 till what is theirs 51 was ours, that is, the objects that were obtained 49 51, we get them. the 50s and the years leading to the victory of the islamic revolution, the historical sites of iran were the paradise of foreign archaeologists. all excavations are licensed in their name for you. after the revolution, it mostly fell into our hands , that is, the internal archeology experts themselves. in those years, iranian archaeologists were working in their homeland under the supervision of foreigners , takht suleiman was in the hands of germany, susa, takht jemshid , west azarbaijan bostan, shiraz, many of them are from this collection. shortly after the victory of the islamic revolution the activities of all foreign archaeologists wer