neil dutta joins me now. you've been talking about powell's sort of political dilemma.ery fed chair does have that. it feels like it was magnified after george, sr. blamed the fed for losing his re-election cam pain, pressure, directly or indirectly from every administration to a certain degree. this year it feels like really thick out there because they are going to be making moves this year. >> he also told you that. but charles, let's not forget that the market anticipated they would be making moves this year around the fed's own summary of economic projections is anticipating a cut in 2024 since the middle of 2022. they have had that in their dots,. charles: right. >> for over 18 months. charles: right. >> it is not like it is shocking news. i mean if the fed wanted to bail out biden or influence the election they would have already cut by now. the fact they haven't is i think is important. charles: so one of the stories that came out of the interview was, okay, march is off the table but may will be 50 basis points. so, i mean, is wall street reading this wrong? be