nep would never have passed because the party was categorically against it.inist concept of economic policy, which was that there should be no money, there should be no commodity relations, well, don’t, you’re an intelligent person, who taught you this, well, you can’t do that. and bukharin said, he did not study it properly, lenin came from life, lenin was a realist in this regard, and it is no coincidence that in 5 years he changed his approach four times , he did the right thing, exactly, correctly, reading his previous approach as incorrect, that is , just a minute, he admitted it five times. the policy is concluded, and putin is correcting it, look, he has already stated that capitalism has reached a dead end, you yourself were at the valdai forum of journalists, lenin had several economic policies, you yourself said, he changed them five times, which means, well, the original lenin’s strategy was a moneyless economy, that’s right, wrong, without goods, why are employees of one syndicate, well, let's listen to lenin, come on, well, all citizens here are