nicholas dempsey is accused of physically assaulting a police officer during the election protests four years ago. these protests took place after trump did not accept the election results and asked his supporters to take to the streets. dempsey's 20-year prison sentence is the second longest prison sentence for protest convicts. we call it, your service is happy, the growth and development of a herd is like the flow of agriculture, when there is a shortage of onions in the country, the next year, everyone grows onions , and the next year, they are forced to take out the onions. do it and your service might be corrupt. this shows that there is no exact pattern in this field . we are talking about the same story in the sponge field. there is no pattern, in my opinion, that strategy determines all of this, where the factories should be located, how far we should produce here , and where we should take the factories, this is the strategy that tells us what the outlook of the world is anyway. how much are our competitors producing? what are their goals for the future? can we have a share in