so i am representing, the organizers of the committee against nihonmachi eviction, back in the 70s, wewere involved in fighting to preserve the community, so, so one of the things that we wanted to do is pay things forward. and so we got together at the 50th anniversary, which was last august, and, we celebrated, what cain had done in the community as well as the all the people that were involved in the community at the time and trying to maintain the personal the, ownership ships, the local ownerships of the community and that's what the fight was all about, in that, at the 50th anniversary, we came up with a thing called the sansei legacy, fund, and it's that sansei legacy. org, if you're interested. and we started to put together funds from all the people that organize the cain reunion. and so that's what this check is all about, so it's the first installment. it's $9,400, that we're giving over to the to the kimon. all all individuals. so we're hoping that this will spark more of the individuals in the community, especially among the sansei, who we hope will follow their parents, t