selin. cows are not fed with compound feed, only natural hay and grain. and they also do not add bone meal for religious reasons. flour is the cheapest, surefire supplier of calcium protein, but ground bones are mixed into it, including pig bones, so the menu of halal animals should include other products. we add chalk because chalk contains calcium, the rest of the vitamins are found in roughage, all. by the way, due to the fact that pork is strictly prohibited, no pork, only beef, lamb, horse meat and poultry. the taste of holalnaya sausage differs from the usual one, which is prepared according to soviet gosts, in which pork is almost always a mandatory component, but inspections reveal that, for example, in the cooked sausage muslim atp karamyshevo, in the doctor's with broiler chicken meat from the ravis company, the sosnovskaya poultry farm, pig was also put in, pork was not indicated on the label, only beef and poultry were indicated, but laboratory tests were revealed in the composit