nina viktorovna, but most importantly, you figured out how to help people who violate their diet in solvingnique consists of is that electrodes are applied transcronially. runs transcrenial along these electrodes, then there is something called here on the headband, a magnetic flux runs transcrenially , which has a number of very interesting parameters, firstly, it is a vasodilating effect, secondly, this is an effect in general, you know, regulating regulating these systems that determine appetite, man no longer feels... such a craving for food, at this time, when his appetite decreases, he begins to be saturated with less food and the food that we teach him, and the procedures need to be repeated when necessary take 10-15 of these, take a break, because this effect lasts for about 3 months, is it only children, adults, of course, adults, in general, this can be prescribed to everyone, of course, these methods have no restrictions, they have no contraindications if it grows number. you see, saratsk developers, well , you are in close contact with the ministry of health, no, no, not to be,