odyssey, directed by ekaterina granitova, script by absolutely brilliant screenwriters lutsik and samoryadovand there i managed to expand my musical horizons in terms of literature, because somewhere we had some kind of free jazz, somewhere something ambient, it had to be filled in there, it should be there. then it’s as if 15 verses are skipped, as usual in a song, you know, it’s endless, and there’s some kind of sad ending about what it means she didn’t love him and he went somewhere, listen, but i’m going far, this is a song , this is a song that was specially composed i was there for this performance, and we searched for a long time. in fact , the time signature there is constantly changing, all the musicians, when they come, they see notes and such, and what a horror, god, here there are five, here 10, here six, here again 10, here there are four, so she’s like this quite tricky, it became such a general leitmotif of this performance at the beginning at the end, so i admit that this, well , naturally i adore guitars, but this is my favorite song performed by you, i’m very glad, because