next, we speak with oleksandr chumak, the president public organization association of private employers. he joins the column about money. i congratulate you. mr. alexander, can you hear me? yes, i hear, very good. can you hear me? we join you in the conversation, and today we would like to talk about such. topic, in particular, the shortage of workers, the shortage of specialists in various sectors of the economy, in particular, well, one of the problems is the mobilization and departure of citizens abroad . today, a rather acute question has arisen on the part of the government to train ukrainian women in the professions to which they were previously employed they simply did not involve, well, in particular , female subway train drivers or female drivers. laziv worked at mining and beneficiation plants. in your opinion, are there any applicants and do these vacancies really require female workers now. well, not really a forecast'. this mobilization, it hits very hard in terms of certainty for any employer, that is why the issue of replacing women in male professions, in those that are