ostrovska, she wrote this material. for hb at the start of a large-scale invasion, myroslava barchukinded about this material on her page. already in the first weeks of the full-scale invasion , the behavior of russian intellectuals and cultural figures, their silence, their self-justification, their request for self-compassion, was a big surprise. this behavior was so bizarre, as for the ukrainian perception, which prompted the analysis of key texts of russian literature. from such a perspective, what can classical... russian literature teach us, what are the models of behavior, what are the images and metaphors? let's look at three outstanding texts of russian literature, between which, in my opinion, there is a strong connection, we are talking about dostoevsky, the crimes of kara, nabokov, lolita and muma turgenev, all three works are written either on behalf of, or with great sympathy for the main character , who commits a crime, murder or depravity, and that's it. the search for justification, the search for a feeling of sympathy, some kind of even pity on the level of admirati