graf in yandex and it immediately means in this line it says olga grated her overalls, not that olgaknow, this is it naturally, because in fact , this uniform should help you run, that is, yes , no one has repealed the laws of aerodynamics for us, and that is , the overalls fit so tightly and when you sit in a seat, it’s comfortable, everything is comfortable when you straighten up, you want to take a deep breath there and you automatically open it. the question is that why, of course , you didn’t have a tank top there, and again, i can answer it easily - the people who came up with the slogan are hot your winter ones, this is exactly the right point in sochi, it was so hot there, and it was hot from emotions, and it was hot in the literal and figurative sense, we had bicycles standing under the stands, that is, we warmed up there, in in general, that’s it, i mean, it’s normal for you to warm up during the warm-up, well, everything is wet, it’s just that there was no need to change clothes, what? there to wear t-shirts or something, but also, in principle, well, it would be inconveni