it's okay with opma, we also believe that the infrastructure in air transport should be developed in such a way that it has the opportunity to expand, but you have to ask, for example, why it doesn't develop, why it doesn't develop, because it's not justifiable for small businesses. the size of this business is so small, it cannot be formed in this the problem is that we ourselves believe that the support should be removed. at some point in the future , the starting point will be released . i'm going to lower the dynamic pricing in the middle. now, in this situation, we say that sir, we will reach it when we have the possibility to improve our fleet, so that we can reduce our fuel consumption , because the price is free, this one , we can affect our quality, those resources that 25 1,30,35,000 that the government is supporting now and you said that you should support this sector , i can turn tourism into a relatively young aircraft that can increase the quality and quality of the aircraft. no, the economic power of the country's air transport in the current situation is a narrow airc