brave bandit of the black quarter will dare to open his mouth on gomadril, and you also tell us about oroils brought everyone to their knees, there even it’s impossible to think about resisting this crap, and you keep giving us oruela with a stalin mustache, in our dear catholic neighbor poland, all this will pass. only there, of course, the main theme is different, hysteria, wild, fierce hysteria, i’m talking about a dead soldier, again, answer simple questions, although you, our nobles, even listen to cattle. like who killed? you killed your soldier, you have a bunch of benefits from this: media hysteria, money for buffer zones and mines, further escalation, drag your nationalists to the european parliament, well, now you’ll start shooting at refugees, but now you can, as befits a saturday evening about women, women for us revolutionaries. this is to take, you are mine, pure opium for the people, but you yourself remember, andryukha, how many good people have suffered in life from this damned tribe of women, this is misery, how much waste is caused by them, how many drunkards have been cr