emma corrin and music from orville peck and noah cyrus is on the way.ithout ryan chewing my ear off? just give me five -- >> ryan: hugh! they have skittle back here. >> hugh: it's not going to happen. oh, well. my next guest was second choice to play xander on "buffy the vampire slayer." [ laughter ] just didn't go his way. please welcome the 2016 e-w entertainer of the year, ryan ashley mary-kate reynolds. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hugh: people do need a reference. you got that, just make people know who it is. [ laughter ] we're good, we're good, right there in front of you. those were meant for the crew, but whatever, you take them. >> ryan: i wouldn't eat that. [ laughter ] >> hugh: it's so good to have you here, man. >> ryan: good to be here, huge surprise, haven't seen you in a long time. >> hugh: thank you. >> ryan: taste the rainbow. [ laughter ] >> hugh: i know people sometimes think being the second guest isn't as important as being the first guest, but i don't want you to think of that it w