tsikava had learned about the great tradition of white-knitted weaving of panyamonnya.nd folk art, ancient traditions and unique weaving techniques are being demanstruated, and historical handicraft museums are not only about the history of personal knowledge . how long ago have you held a book in your hands, turning over page after page? , greedily tasting every word, from all manifestations of human creativity . the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly. everything, that humanity has accomplished, preserved as if by magic on the pages of books. through reading, a person survives centuries; reading brings generations together. appreciate it! palace of the holy regiment of the chatsvyartsinskys at the zhaludku. the mystical pastaral of the prosperous state of the feudalism of the russian empire. aristokratychnaya zivatstva, which has fallen from the vyalіknyazskaya ganarystastі i bezmezhnaya upeўnіnastі ў personal greatness y adyoznyh regulation. the ruins of some of