it was intended that one or two pashtas would request to raise the contract ceiling, but pashta would suffer the most if it were to be raised . fortunately, both the head of the federation and the vice president agreed with the right of the police because we said that if it was necessary, the contracts would be difficult raise before the start of the yark. it was a very good meeting. i would like to tell you that there was a discussion about the ceiling of the contracts, that we do not have a particular problem with this matter, and the club itself is obliged to comply and it will definitely comply in accordance with the same policy. and god willing, it is decided that these matters will be investigated and the grounds for the strong and magnificent presence of the teams in the asian competitions will be provided. these days, the issue of renovating and equipping the stadiums before the start of the asian football confederation league is demanding , and there are other requirements for receiving a professional license. attached after the requirements. up to 30 tough recipes for gym pr