in the first episode paul nicklen and cristina mittermeir are personal and professor partners invitinging climate challenges. take a look. in the new national geographic series, "photographer," it's all about perspective. >> this is it. >> reporter: viewers invited behind the lens of world renown photographer like paul nicklen and cristina mittermeir. showing us our world through their eyes as they fight to protect the ocean's waters. >> is that oil or sand or sediment? what is it? it's pretty shocking something that big is here drilling. >> reporter: the climate activists and real-lie partners going to great lengths and depths to keep our oceans and its inhabitants safe. >> this is incriminating as possible without being illegal, you know. that's powerful right there. >> reporter: an unprecedented look at their work even for millions of online followers. >> our hope is to take this boat around the world and help tell the stories that need to be told everywhere. >> reporter: on this expedition nat geo track the coast of the bahamas. >> there's beautiful wildlife, dolphins, sharks. oh,