Aug 7, 2024
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paulina: y cuÁndo vemos la paulina: y cuÁndo vemos la entrevista?
paulina: y cuÁndo vemos la paulina: y cuÁndo vemos la entrevista?
Aug 9, 2024
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paulina: gracias. americano, y que por aproximadamente estuvo 8 minutos retenido contra el suelo. michelle inicialmente entrÓ frenÉtico al hospital e intentÓ resguardarse en el valle de las mujeres, segÚn la autopsia, la vÍctima falleciÓ por asfixia y por efectos tÓxicos de cocaÍna y metanfetamina. jorge: la policÍa estÁ tras la buscado sospechoso de haber realizado un tiroteo en la universidad de berklee. estuvo encerrado tras recibirse informe hispanos en la zona sin que se reportaron heridos. paulina: el joven de 19 aÑos que planeaba un atentado terrorista en un concierto de tylor swift en viena confesÓ que querÍa matar la mayor cantidad de gente posible y por eso considero hacer un ataque suicida con explosivos y cuchillos, en uno de los lugares donde la diva establece tenÍa pensado presentarse desde hoy. lourdes: las autoridades austriacas informÓ que los sospechosos del presunto complot buscaban atacar los alrededores del estadio donde se iba a presentar tylor swift, y que ya ha confesado que est
paulina: gracias. americano, y que por aproximadamente estuvo 8 minutos retenido contra el suelo. michelle inicialmente entrÓ frenÉtico al hospital e intentÓ resguardarse en el valle de las mujeres, segÚn la autopsia, la vÍctima falleciÓ por asfixia y por efectos tÓxicos de cocaÍna y metanfetamina. jorge: la policÍa estÁ tras la buscado sospechoso de haber realizado un tiroteo en la universidad de berklee. estuvo encerrado tras recibirse informe hispanos en la zona sin que se...
Aug 8, 2024
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paulina: un profesor da una lesiÓn de valentÍa al rescatar a un adolescente de un ataque sexual.incendio y queda captado en en una vivienda se convierte en un incendio y queda captado en cÁmara.. mas suave y mejor para tu piel. prueba downy free & gentle. jorge: un profesor de secundariasalvo aun joven de 15 aÑos cuando alguien lo apuntaba. reportera: la policÍa de miami revelÓ el incidente en el que el presidente de la selecciÓn colombiana de fÚtbol y su hijo fueron detenidos durante la copa amÉrica cuando ambos estaban intentando ingresar a la cancha y confrontaron al personal de seguridad. reportera: los vÍdeos las cÁmaras corporales de la policÍa de miami—dade mostraron cuando el presidente de la federaciÓn colombiana de fÚtbol y su hijo fueron detenidos. los policÍas intentaron explicarles el procedimiento. solamente tenÍa colgada la credencial de acceso al evento. estas imÁgenes son de cuando estaban esposados en la casa de miami en donde fueron recluidos. segÚn la policÍa, ambos agredieron fÍsicamente a los guardias que les impidieron el paso. cuando salieron de la cÁrcel,
paulina: un profesor da una lesiÓn de valentÍa al rescatar a un adolescente de un ataque sexual.incendio y queda captado en en una vivienda se convierte en un incendio y queda captado en cÁmara.. mas suave y mejor para tu piel. prueba downy free & gentle. jorge: un profesor de secundariasalvo aun joven de 15 aÑos cuando alguien lo apuntaba. reportera: la policÍa de miami revelÓ el incidente en el que el presidente de la selecciÓn colombiana de fÚtbol y su hijo fueron detenidos...
Aug 6, 2024
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paulina: magnÍfica explicaciÓn! mÁs de 1 millÓn de dÓlares. las autoridades de aduanas y protecciÓn fronterizas fueron alertada sobre el hallazgo. jorge: los mercados de valores se estremecieron hoy por el Índice, uno de los mÁs importantes de estados unidos que tuvo su peor dÍa desde el 2022. todo tras el temor de que en estados unidos haya una temible recesiÓn. reportera: pÉrdidas de hasta el 6%, esta maÑana abriÓ con una baja de 1200 puntos aumentando los temores de una desaceleraciÓn en la economÍa y la temida recesiÓn. >> no van a ser como las del pasado, una desaceleraciÓn de la economÍa se va a sentir como una recesiÓn. reportera: pero ha sido histÓrico la caÍda de la bolsa japonesa. los mercados de valores de asia y australia tambiÉn se desplomaron. el viernes estados unidos anunciÓ que la tasa de desempleo subiÓ a 4.3%. en julio se aÑadieron 114,000 puestos de trabajo por debajo de las expectativas y la tendencia de 215,000 nuevos puestos de trabajos mensuales durante el Último aÑo. muestra que los empleado
paulina: magnÍfica explicaciÓn! mÁs de 1 millÓn de dÓlares. las autoridades de aduanas y protecciÓn fronterizas fueron alertada sobre el hallazgo. jorge: los mercados de valores se estremecieron hoy por el Índice, uno de los mÁs importantes de estados unidos que tuvo su peor dÍa desde el 2022. todo tras el temor de que en estados unidos haya una temible recesiÓn. reportera: pÉrdidas de hasta el 6%, esta maÑana abriÓ con una baja de 1200 puntos aumentando los temores de una...
Aug 5, 2024
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paulina tiene mucho rencor guardado dentro de ella. lives of others. walden university. set a course for change. (♪♪) si todos fuéramos iguales, necesitaríamos solo un modelo de suv. ¡pero qué aburrido sería el mundo así! suvs únicas para personas únicas. imagínate eso obtén ofertas en modelos selectos en el golden opportunity sale event de lexus. (♪♪) ma, con estos chips de siete, en evoy a ser el más coolsale de todo el recreo. hah! tengo que practicar mi saludo cool. sup? sup? sup? (nieta) fargo™, ¿cuánto gaste en compras este mes?. (abuela) ¿con quién hablas? (nieta) con fargo, mi asistente. (abuela) ¡mi nieta ya tiene asistente! toda una jefa con asistente. (nieta) fargo, ¿cuál es mi puntaje de crédito? (abuela) mija, invita a tu asistente a cenar. (nieta) fargo es mi asistente virtual. (vo) fargo, el nuevo asistente virtual de wells fargo te ayuda a hacer tus transacciones bancarias más fáciles y rápidas. (abuela) asistente es asistente. (vo) juntos, vamos con todo. fernando carrill raÚl: familia, esta tarde en "el gordo y la fla
paulina tiene mucho rencor guardado dentro de ella. lives of others. walden university. set a course for change. (♪♪) si todos fuéramos iguales, necesitaríamos solo un modelo de suv. ¡pero qué aburrido sería el mundo así! suvs únicas para personas únicas. imagínate eso obtén ofertas en modelos selectos en el golden opportunity sale event de lexus. (♪♪) ma, con estos chips de siete, en evoy a ser el más coolsale de todo el recreo. hah! tengo que practicar mi saludo cool. sup?...
Aug 22, 2024
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trump, a congresswoman from florida, anna paulina luna., the democrat-controlled media is trying to denigrate her by appointing her a slut. it will affect the election campaign of donald trump himself. the network leaked photos of luna in a bathing suit. how shameful, just a terrible disgrace, a woman is accused that in this disgusting form anna paulina is campaigning for republican candidate. donald's critics claim that a woman with tattoos and in a bikini looks more like a porn model than a politician, and in general she got into trump's party and into high office through bed with a man, if with a woman, then let's say, but... with a man it is definitely impossible. in response, conservative women began to publish their photos in bikinis, supporting the republican slut. caption: hot ladies, conservatives for trump and anna. the original photo in a star-spangled bathing suit, posted on twitter, gained already has 14 million views and 38,000 comments. the big question: what a rant. anna paulina luna, a florida republican, is responding to
trump, a congresswoman from florida, anna paulina luna., the democrat-controlled media is trying to denigrate her by appointing her a slut. it will affect the election campaign of donald trump himself. the network leaked photos of luna in a bathing suit. how shameful, just a terrible disgrace, a woman is accused that in this disgusting form anna paulina is campaigning for republican candidate. donald's critics claim that a woman with tattoos and in a bikini looks more like a porn model than a...
Aug 13, 2024
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querÍa decir algo, paulina? paulina: quiero ir a las encuestas.: la polÍtica no es la misma, la forma de comunicarme la misma. hace cuatro aÑos cuando donald trump era presidente estÁbamos acostumbrados que todo se hacÍa a travÉs de comunicados a travÉs de la casa blanca. aprendimos que todo era a travÉs de twitter hasta que lo sacaron. alan: y ya regreso. maria: esto es la democracia de este paÍs. estamos en unas elecciones donde todos tenemos que votar. gente, gracias. gracias, paulina. gracias por venir. paulina: hablando de polÍtica de manera respetuosa e inteligente. raÚl: saludos a toda la gente de la plataforma vix. quiÉn es la persona en el entorno de jennifer lÓpez que no quiere a ben affleck? en "sin rollo" de verano tenemos todo. fran: porque aquÍ cuidamos tu salud llega el doctor juan con la receta para una digestiÓn mÁs suave. dile adiÓs a la hinchazÓn y gases. maria: te presentamos la segunda parte de una sÚper exclusiva de esta casa de "despierta amÉrica". la denuncia que hacen las hijas del puma junior sobre la extraÑa muerte de su
querÍa decir algo, paulina? paulina: quiero ir a las encuestas.: la polÍtica no es la misma, la forma de comunicarme la misma. hace cuatro aÑos cuando donald trump era presidente estÁbamos acostumbrados que todo se hacÍa a travÉs de comunicados a travÉs de la casa blanca. aprendimos que todo era a travÉs de twitter hasta que lo sacaron. alan: y ya regreso. maria: esto es la democracia de este paÍs. estamos en unas elecciones donde todos tenemos que votar. gente, gracias. gracias,...
Aug 17, 2024
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congresswoman anna paulina landon joins primetime. this isn't charmin!wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. it's pain o'clock! let's do this! sorry, pain. i can't let you in. what? i've had a standing appointment with mr. dubin for years! i'm expected! not anymore. mr. dubin's been taking relief factor. relief factor!! keep pain away for good, with relief factor. a natural supplement that takes a different approach to pain relief. it doesn't mask pain, it builds up your body's response to inflammation so pain won't get in. call or go online today and live your best life without pain. ♪ most people call leaffilter when their gutters are clogged and they notice one of the many issues that can bring. sometimes it's the smell of mildew when water has seeped into the interior walls. or maybe they've spotted mold in the attic. but most often it's the more obvious signs of damage like
congresswoman anna paulina landon joins primetime. this isn't charmin!wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. it's pain o'clock! let's do this! sorry, pain. i can't let you in. what? i've had a standing appointment with mr. dubin for years! i'm expected! not anymore. mr. dubin's been taking relief factor. relief...
Aug 20, 2024
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paulina: 33. chiquitos. apenas. >> he dicho que la quiero mucho. on contact. magic. it makes this ring a thing of the past. it makes you forgetti about baked on spaghetti. new ultra foamy magic eraser. clean with more magic than ever. [móvil pitido y vibrando] [móvil pitido y vibrando] ♪♪ descansa. todo lo demás puede esperar. bienvenidos al goodnight club. encuentra el cuarto de tus sueños en ikea. ¿sabías que si te depilas... ..un tercio de lo que quitas es piel? (♪♪) el nuevo dove ayuda a reparar tu piel. así que, si te depilas... ...dove te cuida. nuevo dove ayuda a reparar tu piel después de depilarte. ¿oye, qué le pasa a tu novio? desde que obtuvo la mejor oferta con at&t en el nuevo samsung galaxy, anda súper alzado. salí ganando con esta oferta. eres un campeón. ¿y cuánto lleva así? horas. selfie en el podium... cambio de llanta campeón. ♪♪ siéntete súper alzado con la mejor oferta de at&t en el nuevo samsung galaxy z flip6. ♪♪ de un yate de vela de lujo cerca de sicilia durante una tormenta deÓ com maria: el hundimiento de un yate de lujo
paulina: 33. chiquitos. apenas. >> he dicho que la quiero mucho. on contact. magic. it makes this ring a thing of the past. it makes you forgetti about baked on spaghetti. new ultra foamy magic eraser. clean with more magic than ever. [móvil pitido y vibrando] [móvil pitido y vibrando] ♪♪ descansa. todo lo demás puede esperar. bienvenidos al goodnight club. encuentra el cuarto de tus sueños en ikea. ¿sabías que si te depilas... ..un tercio de lo que quitas es piel? (♪♪) el...
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makes cutting easier and more precise, but the fine polishing is still done by highly skilled artisans. paulina vellum is a, is a master cutter, and publisher at royal costs or diamonds in amsterdam were diamond cutting has a long tradition. she's been in the business for 36 years and you can compare, diagnose, let's say research work has grades so as to studies of great. so if they're of diamonds and you only see one of his roles, then i know how to get assessments on it. i really have to study these roof diamonds and then you put this on this. and this message will be there. only a diamond can cause a diamond. so putting a code source case and a mixture of oil and diamond dust, you can pull this yourself, you're getting really know, put your hands on the home there with there. and then you will feel. so i found this case, doing that, you know exactly how lena is doing her part to keep the sparkle on a dying profession. she's the creator of the tiniest polish brilliance in the world of faith that earned her response. and mcginnis book of world records. just a fraction of a carrot, i need a mic
makes cutting easier and more precise, but the fine polishing is still done by highly skilled artisans. paulina vellum is a, is a master cutter, and publisher at royal costs or diamonds in amsterdam were diamond cutting has a long tradition. she's been in the business for 36 years and you can compare, diagnose, let's say research work has grades so as to studies of great. so if they're of diamonds and you only see one of his roles, then i know how to get assessments on it. i really have to...
Aug 4, 2024
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>> you are united states senator and the woman who came up to you all and to the harris is ana anna paulina luna, who's a congresswoman right now look, i think it shows again the continued leadership of women in this country who have a strong set of values and who want to offer themselves in public service to their communities and it's great that we all have moved from the airport to some of the even anna paulina even looks voters in florida elected or so, they made, they must think that she shares their values and has something to offer to the american discourse that was an occasion where then the united states senator kamala harris was actually trying to have a conversation with other people in the airport and representative luna aggressively wanted to make her point here we are. >> thank you so much for coming in. appreciate it. thank you. >> good to see you and what do donald trump's attacks this week reveal about the state of the presidential race as senator and close ally of the former president will join when me acts and the debate over the debate will we ever see a trump harris face
>> you are united states senator and the woman who came up to you all and to the harris is ana anna paulina luna, who's a congresswoman right now look, i think it shows again the continued leadership of women in this country who have a strong set of values and who want to offer themselves in public service to their communities and it's great that we all have moved from the airport to some of the even anna paulina even looks voters in florida elected or so, they made, they must think that...
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makes cutting easier and more precise, but the fine polishing is still done by highly skilled artisans. paulina williams is a master cutter and publisher at royal costa diamonds in amsterdam were diamond cutting has a long tradition. she's been in the business for 36 years and you can compare, diagnose, let's say research work has grades so as to study the great. so fair of diamonds and you only see the witnesses rule, then i know how to get assessments on it. i really have to study these roof diamonds, and then you put this on this. and this message will be there. only a diamond can cause a diamond. so putting a code source case and a mixture of oil and diamond dust, you can pull this yourself, you're getting really know, put your hands on the home there with it there. and then you will feel so what a great found this case to you. exactly. how lena is doing her part to keep the sparkle on a dying profession? she's the creator of the tiniest polished brilliance in the world, a fee that earned her a spot in the guinness book of world records. just a fraction of a carrot, i need a microscope to s
makes cutting easier and more precise, but the fine polishing is still done by highly skilled artisans. paulina williams is a master cutter and publisher at royal costa diamonds in amsterdam were diamond cutting has a long tradition. she's been in the business for 36 years and you can compare, diagnose, let's say research work has grades so as to study the great. so fair of diamonds and you only see the witnesses rule, then i know how to get assessments on it. i really have to study these roof...
Aug 26, 2024
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la actividad fue organizada por familiares de paulina camargo. >> el llamado a las autoridades ha sido a travÉs de todos estos nueve aÑos que se investigue dÓnde estÁ mi hija, quÉ fue lo que le hicieron? que se haga justicia con el individuo que le arrebatÓ su vida. >> las siluetas colocadas en la plaza llevaban los nombres, edades y varios datos, incluyendo la fecha de desapariciÓn de la vÍctima. en venezuela, el opositor edmundo gonzÁlez urrutia criticÓ la citaciÓn que recibiÓ por parte de la fiscalÍa para este lunes. lo hizo a travÉs de un video publicado en sus redes sociales, donde seÑalÓ que el fiscal tarek william saab lo estÁ condenando de forma anticipada y ahora impulsa una situaciÓn sin garantÍas. >> el ministerio pÚblico pretende someterme a una entrevista sin que se precise en quÉ condiciÓn se espera que comparezca y precalificando delitos no cometidos. el fiscal general de la repÚblica se ha comportado reiteradamente como un acusador polÍtico. >> el diplomÁtico, de 74 aÑos tras las elecciones, se ha visto obligado a resguardarse por
la actividad fue organizada por familiares de paulina camargo. >> el llamado a las autoridades ha sido a travÉs de todos estos nueve aÑos que se investigue dÓnde estÁ mi hija, quÉ fue lo que le hicieron? que se haga justicia con el individuo que le arrebatÓ su vida. >> las siluetas colocadas en la plaza llevaban los nombres, edades y varios datos, incluyendo la fecha de desapariciÓn de la vÍctima. en venezuela, el opositor edmundo gonzÁlez urrutia criticÓ la citaciÓn que...
Aug 6, 2024
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representative anna paulina luna said tim walz let minnesota burn with $5 million in damages and 1500 properties destroyed. vice president harris bailed them out. this is the leership they offer america? congressman jim mcgovern said tim walz is a great choice, we are thrilled. ti walz, his wife, and their kids are dear friends. they are good people who have done great things for minnesota and the nation, the future is bright. we will have live coverage of the democratic ticket at five: 30 eastern today here on c-span and then we will get your reaction. you can watch our live coverage on the c-span now video app and online at c-span.org. >> saturday, american history tv features historic convention speeches. watch notable remarks from the past several decades. this saturday, former vice president richard nixon continued his campaign in the 1958 republican national convention speech in miami beach. >> the wave of crime is not going to be the wave of the future in the united states of america. [applause] we shall reestablish freedoms here in america so that america can take the lead and
representative anna paulina luna said tim walz let minnesota burn with $5 million in damages and 1500 properties destroyed. vice president harris bailed them out. this is the leership they offer america? congressman jim mcgovern said tim walz is a great choice, we are thrilled. ti walz, his wife, and their kids are dear friends. they are good people who have done great things for minnesota and the nation, the future is bright. we will have live coverage of the democratic ticket at five: 30...
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cutting easier and more precise, but the find publishing is still done by highly skilled artisans. paulina williams is a master cutter and publisher at royal costco, diamonds in amsterdam were diamond cutting has a long tradition. she's been in the business for 36 years and you can compare, diagnose, let's say research work has grades so as to study the great. so federal simons and you only see one of these rules, then i know how to get assessments on this. i really have to study these roof diamonds and then you put this on this. and this message will be there. only a diamond can cause a diamond. so putting a code source case and a mixture of oil and diamond dust, you can pull this yourself, you're getting really know, put your hands on the home. there was in there, and then you will feel so in this case, do you exactly how lena is doing her part to keep the sparkle on a dying profession? she's the creator of a tiniest polished brilliance in the world of faith that earned her a spots in the guinness book of world records. just a fraction of the carrots i need to microscope to see it. it's
cutting easier and more precise, but the find publishing is still done by highly skilled artisans. paulina williams is a master cutter and publisher at royal costco, diamonds in amsterdam were diamond cutting has a long tradition. she's been in the business for 36 years and you can compare, diagnose, let's say research work has grades so as to study the great. so federal simons and you only see one of these rules, then i know how to get assessments on this. i really have to study these roof...
Aug 16, 2024
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in the 1/8 finals, mira andreeva will meet the world's fifth racket jasmin paulina.he same italian who andreeva lost to in the semi-finals of rolang ross, as well as in the final of the olympic tournament. in paris in doubles. ska forward evgeny kuznetsov invited fans to his own presentation. the video with the ska newcomer's address was posted on social networks by the head coach of the petersburgers roman rotenberg. kuznetsov's presentation will take place in st. petersburg on august 22. a ticket to this event at the ice palace will cost a symbolic 92 rubles. as evgeny kuznetsov's game number. the funds will go to charity. stanley cup winner with washington evgeny kuznetsov. the most stellar newcomer of the khl this offseason. the hockey player's return to russia was officially announced on july 31. the contract with the petersburgers is for 4 years. meanwhile, the continental hockey league, 2 weeks before the start of the new season, adopted important changes to the rules, they concern the scoring of points. now, if the regular time of the match ended in a draw, i
in the 1/8 finals, mira andreeva will meet the world's fifth racket jasmin paulina.he same italian who andreeva lost to in the semi-finals of rolang ross, as well as in the final of the olympic tournament. in paris in doubles. ska forward evgeny kuznetsov invited fans to his own presentation. the video with the ska newcomer's address was posted on social networks by the head coach of the petersburgers roman rotenberg. kuznetsov's presentation will take place in st. petersburg on august 22. a...
Aug 4, 2024
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> you are united states senator and the woman who came up to you all and to the harris is anna anna paulina luna, who's a congresswoman. >> right now look, i think it shows again the continued leadership of women in this country who have a strong set of values and who want to offer themselves in public service to there communities. >> and it's great that we all have moved from the airport to some of the even anna paulina even looks voters in florida elected or so, they've made, they must think that she shares their values and has something to offer to the american discourse that was an occasion where the then united states senator kamala harris was actually trying to have a conversation with other people in the airport and representative luna aggressively wanted to make her point. here we are thank you so much for coming in. appreciate it. thank you. >> good to see you and what do donald trump's attacks this week reveal about the state of the presidential race as senator and close ally of the former president will join me next. >> and the debate over the debates will we ever see a trump tru
> you are united states senator and the woman who came up to you all and to the harris is anna anna paulina luna, who's a congresswoman. >> right now look, i think it shows again the continued leadership of women in this country who have a strong set of values and who want to offer themselves in public service to there communities. >> and it's great that we all have moved from the airport to some of the even anna paulina even looks voters in florida elected or so, they've made,...
Aug 16, 2024
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it was a video from 2016 of florida congresswoman anna paulina luna posing in a meghan swimsuit she designedberals crazy. i'm so glad you pitched this to me this morning. i had nothing to do with that. you can relate to this right? people don't like attractive women. >> i'm not sure how i can relate to this. i can relate to has any woman can is being judged for what you wear and i think it's so pathetic. if you actually getting online to say there's some sort of moral judgment against a woman because of what she's wearing you better not have a real problem in your life because there is anything else more worthy of your attention grow-op get a life. you are a loser. people might look at this video and say to themselves i would not say this but why are women in the right just better looking >> i didn't say that. some people are saying that. >> i say it's because she doesn't have a bulge. and look for anybody criticizing her that's a latina woman wearing a one-piece bathing suit. that's practically a burqa in their community. [ laughter ] >> greg: unocal dana she's a sitting member of congress.
it was a video from 2016 of florida congresswoman anna paulina luna posing in a meghan swimsuit she designedberals crazy. i'm so glad you pitched this to me this morning. i had nothing to do with that. you can relate to this right? people don't like attractive women. >> i'm not sure how i can relate to this. i can relate to has any woman can is being judged for what you wear and i think it's so pathetic. if you actually getting online to say there's some sort of moral judgment against a...
Aug 17, 2024
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forced to rent a house in the moscow region, because the child can't live in the apartment, firstly, paulinagirl needs to walk several times a day, this relieves her psyche, a special child is not welcome at the city playground, as soon as children at ordinary city playgrounds understand that the child is with developmental disabilities, rarely anyone will help her, and they do not want to communicate, not only that, the parents do not want communicate, i often heard that maybe we should go earlier. with this playground, the playground is not meant for us. the participants of the star factory came to snezhana's aid. alexandra savelyeva, victoria daineka, alexey kabanov and mikhail grebenshchikov used their winnings to purchase an alternative communication kit for paulina. a special vest will calm the child during another bout of irritability. sensory balls will help with the development of fine motor skills, and thanks to cards with pictagrams, the girl always be able to. find out what she wants, what is it, she is all tangerine, the child wants tangerine, that's how it helps communication,
forced to rent a house in the moscow region, because the child can't live in the apartment, firstly, paulinagirl needs to walk several times a day, this relieves her psyche, a special child is not welcome at the city playground, as soon as children at ordinary city playgrounds understand that the child is with developmental disabilities, rarely anyone will help her, and they do not want to communicate, not only that, the parents do not want communicate, i often heard that maybe we should go...
Aug 17, 2024
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rachel: well, we did, we talked about will who hosted jesse watters last night, anna paulina luna's goneearing a one-piece swim suit. pete: there you go. what do you want to the talk about? rachel: that's your new mount rushmore? [laughter] pete: wow. will: my thing is i have a thing where if you're thinking it, you've got to say it. the only problem is i've got a cohost who believes in that maxim more than me. i'm dangerous enough, and now i sit next to somebody who says, gotta say it -- rachel: well, you said it to me on gavin new. and i watched that interview. i thought you did a very good job, and i think she is, can i say it? bad ass. pete: i didn't know she was an air force vet. rachel: i did mow that. pete: right? i feel the same way. will: i'm serious, by the way. with the dnc just days away, vice president kamala harris is rolling out her first campaign platform. rachel: featuring $1.7 trillion in handouts. pete: madeleine rivera joins us with details. >> reporter: she's touting it as a way to build up the middle class. but her proposal is getting mixed reviews. the policies har
rachel: well, we did, we talked about will who hosted jesse watters last night, anna paulina luna's goneearing a one-piece swim suit. pete: there you go. what do you want to the talk about? rachel: that's your new mount rushmore? [laughter] pete: wow. will: my thing is i have a thing where if you're thinking it, you've got to say it. the only problem is i've got a cohost who believes in that maxim more than me. i'm dangerous enough, and now i sit next to somebody who says, gotta say it --...
Aug 6, 2024
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harassed in an airport by a trump fanatic who is now a member of congress from florida, republican anna paulina luna whose first claim to public attention was as a swimsuit model. the woman you will see protecting senator harris in the video you're about to see is our first guest tonight. she was then a campaign staffer for senator harris and is now the junior united states senator from california. >> taking a picture real quick. sorry. >> no. don't touch me. >> i understand. >> i don't care, you're in my way. don't talk to me. she is damaging what is happening to hispanic women and children at the border. >> joining us now is laphonza butler from california. she was a senior adviser to the kamala harris campaign in 2020. thank you very much for joining us tonight. i have to say, that video has been getting some currency lately and i want to take you back to that moment in that airport knowing what was going on, knowing what you could and couldn't do and what that was like for you and trying to handle and manage that for senator harris? >> thanks so much for having me. it's an interesting time
harassed in an airport by a trump fanatic who is now a member of congress from florida, republican anna paulina luna whose first claim to public attention was as a swimsuit model. the woman you will see protecting senator harris in the video you're about to see is our first guest tonight. she was then a campaign staffer for senator harris and is now the junior united states senator from california. >> taking a picture real quick. sorry. >> no. don't touch me. >> i understand....
Aug 16, 2024
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and now this, congresswoman anna paulina luna says she has a new photo that shows the would-be assassinwalking around out in the open, brandishing his gun at the rally in pennsylvania before he shot president trump. and killed a man and wounded another. let's welcome to the show from house judiciary congressman jeff van drew. congressman, this is a startling photo. it's good to see you, sir. if this is true, doesn't it raise even more questions about security lapses at the butler rally? >> good to be with you as well. let's be really clear, every single american should be concerned about this -- [audio difficulty] at one moment in time. this is about the way we are running our agencies. now, our agents are good. the vast majority of the secret service agents, cia agents, those people that work for the fbi. but the people at the top are worried about woke philosophies and policies. if they're not operating by a meritocracy at the very top, number one. number two, instead of worrying about policing pronounce, everything else, they should have had a hot spot there. they should have been co
and now this, congresswoman anna paulina luna says she has a new photo that shows the would-be assassinwalking around out in the open, brandishing his gun at the rally in pennsylvania before he shot president trump. and killed a man and wounded another. let's welcome to the show from house judiciary congressman jeff van drew. congressman, this is a startling photo. it's good to see you, sir. if this is true, doesn't it raise even more questions about security lapses at the butler rally?...
Aug 19, 2024
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yo vengo con las pilas puestas, recargadas y pude hablar con marie lady paulina, quien ganÓ un oro enremos mucho de su carrera de vida. una gran historia. >> hoy, arranca la convenciÓn demÓcrata. carolina: comenzando este lunes el prÓximo jueves, miles de delegados de los 50 estados del paÍs estÁn reunidos en chicago para nÓmina de forma oficial a kamala harris y a su vicepresidente como candidatos. obviamente, todo ocurre medio de manifestaciones por su apoyo a la guerra de israel contra hamas. tambiÉn, con recientes sondeos dan una ventaja de unos seis puntos sobre donald trump. nos conectamos en vivo con nuestro colega, que nos tiene mÁs. edwin: muy buenos dÍas. todo preparado para que inicie la convenciÓn nacional del partido demÓcrata. kamala harris y su compaÑero de fÓrmula se encuentran en la ciudad de chicago. pero, les voy a comentar quiÉnes van a desfilar en ese escenario. hoy estarÁ la primera dama y el propio presidente, joe biden. kamen estarÁ hablando hillary clinton. —— maÑana estarÁ hablando hillary clinton. tambiÉn se espera a michelle y barack obama. el dÍa jueves, e
yo vengo con las pilas puestas, recargadas y pude hablar con marie lady paulina, quien ganÓ un oro enremos mucho de su carrera de vida. una gran historia. >> hoy, arranca la convenciÓn demÓcrata. carolina: comenzando este lunes el prÓximo jueves, miles de delegados de los 50 estados del paÍs estÁn reunidos en chicago para nÓmina de forma oficial a kamala harris y a su vicepresidente como candidatos. obviamente, todo ocurre medio de manifestaciones por su apoyo a la guerra de israel...